Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ending on a Happy Note.

Happy Birthday to me.

Ok, truth is, my pain's still there, for my supposed loved one doesnt care if I'm hurt and recieve no resolution.


So yes, I'm'going to Smile to be Happy and be happy and smile.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2009!" to all .

Wishing you all the best and may your dreams come true and life filled with fulfilment and bliss.

You get what you deserve. :-)

It's evening soon. And the countdown is soon to be in a couple of hours time.

So I'd be partying at a new club I've never been to before (actually it's the old MOS which closed down this year; oh yes, marking a closure to a chapter of my clubbing life for I've spent many nights there for the past 2 years)

Yes, to get myself in the celebratory mood.

To distract myself.

Hopefully, the new year will bring me satisfaction and happiness. And love.

Happy new everybody, once more.

Next blog entry? Check back next year. ^^

Q... Ciaos and cheerios!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tumulous 2008

Turning my back to the past?

As I'm typing this in the wee early hours 0f 31st December 2008, I reminicise the past year.

What a roller coaster ride it was. Mostly downwards. So it was indeed frightening and brings many tears of joy and pain.

The first half of the year marked my final semester before I finally graduated from University.

During this time, not only had I to go through my second round of dreaded work attachment, I spent over 3 days spread over a week going for a editorial photoshoot that ended up with my beloved dog, the late Foxxxy Cleopatra , being part of some of the photos. Not only was some of the photos my most beautiful but memorable as well both for the locations and the people I met.

My dog in it, part of, was an unexpected and magical moment in time because so fast was cancer to have taken her life merely 3 months later.

This, another major milestone in my life. Makes me regret the things I should have or should never have done. Makes me respect life and how fragile it is and how every moment is precious and we should treasure it and the things we do with it.

Then , of course, around this time, middle of the year as well, I finally graduated after 4 long amazing years at University. A life time of studying and it finally cumulated to this day in July. The hat and gown was worn and smiles with friends taken. It seems like yesterday that I took my first step into campus life. Wow.

Moving on, on a full scholarship, my job was waiting for me. My first full time job. A shocker. Like being thrown into the deep end of a pool, you learn and struggle with the rites of passage. Learning to adapt. Learning to survive. Learning the politics and friendships alike. The long unforgiving hours. No rests. No free time. Just relentless work.

Then came my relationship. As of this post, its been 5 months. Beautiful and intense. Emotionally draining. Painful to the point where blame no longer matters.
You only think of the sweet romantic moments. And that's what you'll want to remember.

But it is neither over nor on-going thereby explaining the deep seated emotional pain I'm in.

Then mere days ago, I met another. A potentially deeper love. But anyone will know that a deep love means deeper pain.

All means I am either saved, in deeper emotional turmoil which I am or both. Screwed and messed up.

Ironic too, because so many of my couzies got hitched this year. So too was a string of friends' wedding receptions I attended. And my own relationship is in total chaos.

And not to mention, me almost getting arrested at the local airport because I brought in , let's just say, an ornamental weaponry, and its illegal.
Such brushes with the law. Such drama.

Ministry Of Sound (MOS) Singapore , closed its doors. The club I've spent many nights for the past 3 years with friends has finally shut its doors once and for all. Closing with it, a significant chapter of my clubbing life.

Now, as the hols are almost over and the new year hours away from now, I'm left with more pain and memories of the milesstones in my life, graduation, working adult, lost of loved one, love-lost, love-gain, love pain. With doubts for the year ahead.

Pain behind and brought forward.

Yes, I've met some of my dearest friends who've been there beside me in my deepest hours of need. And I thank the lord for their gift of kindness and ear.

Then, one of my closest is literally at strangle point trying to wrench me out of this ditch and I thank her.

I want happiness. And she's right. It's me who determines my happiness and future.

Yes, to everybody and anybody, tracking my journey this past year, thank you for sharing it even if I'm the private type.

Thank you and Happy New year and may happiness be with you and ME.

Q .... God bless us all.

PS: I'm using the tags as a means to pointer-indicate some significant events that have made this year a total hell.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

What is there to Celebrate?

This hols is making me rot.

Boredom allows us to think and ponder too much.

On how life stinks. On how everything is still ungratifying and undone.

Happiness never last. Pain is always there.

Sounds like I'm falling into the Year-end / Xmas Blues yeah.. ?


But it's revealing isn't it?

>My rooms as messy as ever with a ton of stuff I don't need and ought to be thrown out or reorganized. But is ultimately, undone.

>And my relationship problems is a numbing pain that is killing me every moment of my existence.

2008 had been the MOST EVENTFUL YEAR OF MY LIFE.

(More of which I'd elabo when the (year) End is near. So much. So much.)

And right now, it seems an on-going trend to a bad ending to a terrible chapter of my life.

Depressive eh?

Q ...
How I'd wish I was actually busy.. so at least, I'd be too distracted to gloat on how life IS.

Small and Ready to Rule the World

Ratan Tata, founder and CEO of Tata Motors, India's biggest Automaker, had a vision.

He wanted to expand further his market share of India's booming automotive industry.

He figured that it's good business sense to go the way of Ford, Mini and Volkswagen.

To Reach the masses.

He came up with a rather amazing product in the name of the Tata Nano.

Touted to soon be the Cheapest set of wheels in the world.

But he's wise. Cheap shouldn't be nasty or else a big ambition is but thwarted.

So the Tata Nano is a shining example of sound engineering, great packaging and design.

With emphasis on space, drivability, durability and desirability to attract boomers who would other wise have gravitated to bikes or other budget car brands, the Tata Nano looks a resounding success garnering international acclaim.

Cheap can be chic too.

Of course, what's sold to the masses in India will be bare-basic with no power steering and stuff we often take for granted.

For the rest of the world where the Nano certainly shows potential in doing just as well, we'll likely get air-conditioning, power steering, air bags, decent sound system, better seat fabrics , sports rims and a lusher paint job etc. which will hike up the price a bit more but still bang-for-buck.

This is my second post for this amazing little wonder who's set to set the automotive world alight. That's how good it is.


Fly me to the Moon (and rapel me down from there?!)

'Fly me to the moon and let me play amoung the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars , in other words, hold me hands, in other words, I love you.'
croons Eva Cassidy.

Yeah, the mood of this post says that I'm kinda on Cloud Nine.

Possibly still a rain cloud with the relationship problems I'm having.

So perhaps a silver lining?

Anyway, fly me to the moon, just not on The Singapore Flyer, the world's biggest Obs-Wheel (which makes it even worse).

A power disruption left 173 passengers stranded above ground in the Singapore Flyer – the world's biggest observation wheel - for about six hours.

Drama in the Skies:

The stoppage – which occurred at about 5:00 pm – was caused by a small electrical fire. It was the Flyer’s fourth since it began operations early this year, but was by far the worst. Shocked passengers spoke of the ordeal of being stuck in stuffy capsules when the air-conditioning went off. ~ MSN News

Wheel of Fortune , anyone?

Q.... There's nothing romantic about this.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I don't want to be ....A Murderer?

It lingers.

The wiff. The aroma. The pheromones. Intoxicating.

I'm hooked.

Oh Rihanna, what did you sing ?!

Q ... faithless? Or has my heart ReOpened?

Is it My Fault? Do things happen for a reason?

Mr Slim with the Fat Pockets

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, the world's second richest man, has rescued the Honda Formula One team, Italian newspaper La Stampa reported on Saturday.

"The saviour has arrived: Carlos Slim, 67 years old, the second richest man in the world," said the newspaper.

"The news is not official as all the details have yet to be formalised. But two things are certain - the team has been saved and the drivers will be Jenson Button and rookie Bruno Senna in place of Rubens Barrichello."

Honda first competed in F1 in 1964 and clocked up three Grand Prix wins, including Jenson Button's in Hungary in 2006.

Honda Motor also supplied engines and other technical support to Formula One team Super Aguri, which called it quits due to financial problems in May.

Motorsport in Japan had been particularly hit by the recession with Subaru and Suzuki pulling out of the world rally championship.

Q.... Thank god for good Corporate Cannabalism.^^

Friday, December 26, 2008

Upside Down Xmas

See it right.
"Evoking a 12th century Central European tradition of hanging a tree from the ceiling at Christmas, this unique 4' pre-lit fir attaches to your ceiling, allowing more room in less-spacious areas for the placement of furniture or more decorations underneath."


Were there people that forward thinking (aka read : Blasphemous) way back then already? ^^

Still, it's mightly creative and novel.

An inverted Xmas Tree hanging in and from the corner cornice. Taking up the only space there is ; up there.

Perfect for the cramped urban apartment in the city where permanent furniture , and not a one-of-tree, that takes precedence in the precious living space.

*Alright! For those traditional folks who are screaming 'Good Lord!', there's still the more conventional upright tree but still a 'corner' piece. Good for those whose living area is still more spacious than their cramped mentalities...

In a way, posting this is both a casual tongue-in-cheek lifestyle review and in retropect, how my 25th of December was spent. :(

Uneventful and without my Dearest beside me.

Spending Christmas alone.

Q... the kiss under the Mistle Toe never came...

Time to Get my SEXY Back

Heart Ache: The cruelty of being taken for Granted
When the lust and honeymoon period is over and you get to see the person deteriorating right before your eyes, it hurts.

Let's call this person I 've foolishly gave my heart, body and soul to, 'A'.

I'm still blindly in love btw. Just really disgruntled and disillusioned. Pain and more pain.

Lemme tell you my sad story:

1) It started when they 'A' became highly unreliable when it comes to keeping promises and staying true to their words and said-appointments.

'A' could promise to meet and cancel the appointment minutes before meeting up. Doing this over and over again , over multiple dates.

Makes you feel betrayed and like a fool. Your time , energy and effort in pushing everything else aside doesnt seem to matter .

2) Then you realise that 'A' takes conversations lightly. 'A' doesn't remember the things discussed. 'A' doesnt care the issues talked about; even the pivotal ones regarding the relationship; like how I feel or what needs to improve to make the relationship postive.

I'm always left wondering 'Didn't we have this conversation before? You talk about it like its new and surprising. You don't care or remember do you? '

3) Broken promises of 'I will call' and 'I will inform you'. Taking it lightly once again. And caring little of your schedule and waiting.

4) Lying or trying to escape a situation when confronted. What da hell is wrong in being honest? There's no deep dark secret is there?

5)Not messaging/ calling/replying me for hours and even days/weeks on end. MSN messaging is FREE. SMS is cheap and takes mere seconds to send. Calls can be a short 5 mins even just before bed time. None. Simply cannot be bothered. 'Tired' and 'busy' are but lame excuses over a lack of effort and commitment.

6) Ego and Issues. Cannot take critisms. Cannot take judgements even when all are positive and contructive. Well, YOU STARTED IT ; being the total a**. So how can I not say? Especially when I've made it clear that non of the critisms is directed at the person but at the attitude towards bending the relationship.

7) Generally being Un-Nice. Unromantic. Abrasive. Flighty. Detachment and Escapism.

8) Worst of all : Insensitive. Already the total jerk-off and still making comments like 'You should take an STD test' out of the blue or when I I bought 'A' a Xmas gift, 'A' actually said 'Is this gift new? (As in is it a recycled gift?) .

W T F .

Love is indeed blind for ... I'll say it again : I'm still blindly in love btw. Just really disgruntled and disillusioned. Pain and more pain.

*** It seems 'A' just wants the perks of a relationship. Taking and not giving.

Love is like a bed of roses. There're the torns too when you roll over after making Love.

Why can't there be commitment to happiness?
ISSUES. Reclaiming my Dignity , I try.

Jenny from the Block

Hey Gorgeous! Thank you for the sweet gift .

Always wanted to get this amazing bakery book, 'Gorgeous Cakes' by Annie Bell.

Now I do. And lovin it.

Precise recipes, tantalising pictures. Tasteful sugggestions. Great lay out. Inspiring.

One of the more 'yummy' books out there.

Ya all know what it's like right? Drooling photos which make us think we can do anything.

Annie Bell's done writing for Vogue before. So she's really quite 'up there'.

The 'sex-tion' on 'Dream Cakes' is heavenly.

I particularly like a phrase she used in the book's prologue
'Cakes-as-Fashion statement'.

So yeah, Thank you Babe for the pressie! ^^

Merry Xmas and a Happy happy new year.

Q .... XOXO

PS: The hols at Phuket could have been better I know... will make it up to you ok? Muack !

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Show Girls: the Pings and the Pongs

The ping pong balls started popping out. Into water filled glasses.

Anyone wants a drink?

Luminous flower garlands and paper clips are pulled out by the multi-yards.

A living canary bird pulled out. Brings a whole new meaning of pussy letting the Tweetie bird go...

Turtles. Since when did humans give birth to turtles?

Whisle and horn blowing. Amusing.

Writing a celebratory note on white paper with a marker. (Neat hand writing too. Shame on many of us using our usual hands!)

Best of all, the weapon of choice, shooting balloons with needle-darts.

It's all about aim , precision and just being inexplicably amazing and capable.

These show girls are good. Unashamed. Professional. Interactive, commited and showmanship.

Although it kinda kills the excitement and anticipation to view the world famous shows when the hustlers go about promoting them like supermarket products.

Shouldn't a show of this nature be trully special and exclusive?

Q ... Makes you finally realise that 'being cheap/slutty' is more the attitude than what one does.

Of course it aint' all about projectiles.^^ There's still the a-go-go shows (pole dancing, really) and lesbian shows (need no intro here) too.

Diamonds in the Glass

'I like to drink champagne with diamonds in the glass. Just another case of expensive taste,'
rants Rap Diva Lil Kim in the #1 hit 'Lady Marmalade'.

Indeed, for those of you privileged a**es who drink the best liquids out there (yes, latest world news, people do tend to drink from taps.), yes, I do secretly love you'd get stuck in a drought or in the middle of the Sahara.

A thirst for anything blatant and ludicrous.

C'mon, if you like your expensive hard liquors, you 'll know that they come in the fanciest and most elaborate bottles and holders with matching price tags.

So why not make that the humble bottled water too?

Bling H20Mountain spring water frosted bottles encrusted swarovski crystals. Known as the “Cristal” of bottled water and regularly served at high profile star-studded events.

Bombay Sapphire ($200k/bottle) has come up with Revelation, a handmade crystal bottles adorned with gems and diamonds, which may magnetize even the richest drinkers to adore the masterpiece, no matter whether it is empty or filled. None other than Garrard, Baccarat and Karim Rashid, foremost names in luxury and design, in collaboration designed the limited edition Revelation bottle. The handmade crystal bottle is the first of a five-piece set that will be launched at five major international airports, i. e. London Heathrow airport on March 27, and New York, Dubai, Singapore and Sydney afterwards, for about three months. All the bottles will be finished peerlessly with sapphires and diamonds.

Evian Christian Lacroix Prêt-à-Porter Water . Glass bottle decorated with glittering snowy crystals. Very chic and elegant.

Okay ! Okay! I owe up. I admit to owning a pair of Evian Christian Lacroix bottled water myself.

There, I said it.

Q... sensual indulgence. ^^

Ornamental Weaponry

Something like these but way more beautiful ... is 'deadly'

And my adventure with Thailand never stopped even as my plane touched down back here in Singapore, the city state of Uptights.

Bought for 1700 Bhat *after the mandatory bargaining , I bought an elaborate and stunning looking knuckle Duster attached with 4-pronged high tenstile steel claws/blades, mounted on a stand.
(similar to the first pic above, but 4-prong bladed like legs to a table and mounted upright)

A gorgeous piece of structural art bordering on macabre.

Well, was caught (Damn, technology these days!) and I swear I never intended it as weapon.
It's just really beautiful see what I mean? Like a metallic spider.

A weapon is one with intention, no?

A pen or even a chair can be a weapon in the right hands.

But me?! C'mon, if I was the murderous type I'd have cut my irritating travel buddy days ago. Haha.

A big hoo hah ensued by the security ('I'm just doing my job,' claimed the lame officer. Whateverrrr.). The police were called. Interrogation and statements taken. And no, I wasn't frogged-marched.

Embarassed ? A little. Taken A back? Hell yeah. Guilty? Hell to the NO.

'Investigations pending. '

PHUK it.Indeed.

Q... I really wished I hadn't bought it but should have taken shots of it before its confiscation.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

FU*k It and Loving it.

During the day, it's all about the sun ,sea and sand.

At night, it's all about the shopping, sleaze and the sex.
Here I am, typing from a computer in the lobby of my first hotel I've ever stayed in Phuket, Thailand, Coast Star Resort.

It's more , as my No-L puts it (or rather, bitch, about), a whore house. The type of budget hotel that you'd expect dirty and sexual things happening within its dingy bare-essentials-only rooms.

Anyway, I'm spending almost all waking moment doing my diving course (Yay! I'm getting fully certified this very afternoon, after 3 long exhausting day of relentless training and I've an excellent coach too, Meardach the Merman; I call him. A good looking Irish fella) and shopping and sight-seeing (you won't believe what I' ve been polluting my mind scape with...) , a room is just a place to put the bags down, take a shower and sleep (of which I've been surviving on nothing more that 4-5 hours max for the last 5 days .)

Well, I have to say, that Thailand, or at least Phuket, has impressed me lots. Unparalled hostpitality, amazingly good food, drop dead cheap goods and services ( ahem... you know....) and the generally relaxed way of life (may be because its a resort?) .

Will I be back?

Q .... Hell Yeah.

PS: I've joked about this place's name ^^.

How do you pronounce the 'ph'? ( Phone, Photosynthesis etc ; a 'f' sound. Then how do you pronounce 'uk'( duck, luck etc) ? How do you pronounce the 'et' sound? ( Let , get .etc)

Then, figure 'Phuket'.

'Fuck It ' .

LMAO.. Wat Da Phuk...... 'Ping Pong Show, Lesbian Show, A Gogo Show...'

Saturday, December 20, 2008

One Night Stand. Alone.

It's exactly 7pm here in Kuala Lumpur.

First Class seats on my jouney here was expensive but worth it.

As I'm typing this in the executive lounge of my hotel suite, with the world famous Petronas Twin Towers behind him (as in LITERALLY BEHIND me; the view is magnificent.) , with a VIP-only Rave Party to head to tonight, I should be enjoying my self.

I should be leaving the problems where home is.

But , still, I'm left here staring at the beautiful scenery outside my window, wondering where my Baby is.

Is my Baby even thinking of me?

What's my baby doing back in Jakarta?

Cruel , my baby is.

I'm sad. I'm devastated. I'm lonely.

Waiting for an elusive message. Waiting for the elusive call.

I'm sad. I really am.

Q ... I pray for peace. Not numbness. I pray for my baby coming back to me.

I must be Mightier.

Friday, December 19, 2008

LOVE: Stronger Apart Stronger Together

Am terribly distraught.

The pains of being in Love.

The pain of avoidance from the one you love most. :(

Lo and Behold!

A close friend had come to my rescue.

With words of wisdom and peace.

Read on and be touched...
Joyce says:
to move someone mighty

Joyce says:
u need to be mightier

Joyce says:
and might

Joyce says:
is not displayed through force

Joyce says:
but can only be tamed and shown

Joyce says:
through courage, n true strength

Joyce says:
that will radiate its own light

Joyce says:
so gently but surely

Joyce says:
make her come to see how wonderful u are

Joyce says:
there is no need to act desperate

Joyce says:
just like when u choose your wife

Joyce says:
u wil never want to be with a woman

Joyce says:
that needs u

Joyce says:
is desperate for u

Joyce says:
u would want want that respects u

Joyce says:
gives u time and space

Joyce says:
and yet

Joyce says:
love u in her own way

Joyce says:
like u hire a computer technician

Joyce says:
u dun want a newbie who's still learning

Joyce says:
u want a professional that

Joyce says:
u dun have to teach

Joyce says:
so, take this time apart

Joyce says:
to polish yourself

Joyce says:
grow in your character

Joyce says:
and person

Joyce says:
and she will know what she has missed out on

Joyce says:
and if its really love

Joyce says:
it will come back to u

Joyce says:
and u will understand this after u read what i've sent to u

Joyce says:
love yourself first

Joyce says:
and to touch a girl's heart

Joyce says:
its never through look

Joyce says:
its through sincerity

Joyce says:
and most importantly

Joyce says:
through her heart

Joyce says:
make her understand what love is about

Joyce says:
send her this if it touches yours

Joyce says:
n explain to her what u have learnt

Joyce says:
and if she chooses to ignore u

Joyce says:
don't beat yourself up on it

Joyce says:
cuz everything that happens has a reason

Joyce says:
and u will have another season

Joyce says:
another love yet again

Joyce says:
and this time u will be better for the person

Joyce says:
take this experience and cherish it

Joyce says:
savour the moments if u must

Joyce says:
make this your eternal memory

Joyce says:
of only goodness

Joyce says:
and see how u can move to greater stuff in your life

Joyce says:
don't let this set u back

Joyce says:

Joyce says:
law of attraction

Joyce says:
the good attracts the good

Joyce says:
light attracts light

Joyce says:
no darkness would want to come near light

Joyce says:
for they will be exposed

Joyce says:
so learn to shine, n there will be more than

Joyce says:
plenty of wonderful people around u

Joyce says:
u are a very wonderful person

Joyce says:
so i just take sometime to share some of my life's perspective with u

Joyce says:
and i hope u can be better because of what u have gone thru

Joyce says:
i speak only from my heart and my life

Joyce says:
appreciate the moments

Joyce says:
for it is truely what u have

Joyce says:
but let it not define your greatness ok?

Joyce says:
for u are made for more wonderful things

Joyce says:

Joyce says:
so as long as i see u learn to grow and be happy again

Joyce says:
life's not only about partying u know

Joyce says:

Joyce says:
but there is always a time to party

Joyce says:
a paradox but true

Joyce says:
like we always plan for the future

Joyce says:
but the future is now

Joyce says:
this moment

Joyce says:
its how we choose to see things and let it take us from here

Joyce says:
to whatever we so desire

Joyce says:
the amazing thing is that if we know what we want and set our minds on it

Joyce says:
there is absolutely nothing that can ever stop us to achieving it

Joyce says:
the universe will even help us along to acheiveing it

Joyce says:
its only we who are barriers to ourselves

Joyce says:
cuz we aren't sure of what we want

Joyce says:
when things happen n u see it as a failure it never is just that

Joyce says:
its just a feedback

Joyce says:
change the method

Joyce says:
and see if u will succeed


Q .... eternally grateful . Thank you!

And I pray for the bliss of such a beautiful person who's been true a lot and given so much more.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Circle of Life

Design house Metaphys and designer Chiaki Murata wanted to merge nature with your modern home furnishings, and in style.

The Factory Circle from their popular Factory Series of home lifestyle goods is a piece of home décor that doubles as a planter for grass or other plants!

The simplicty and greenery missing from the hectic and modern urban life.

Q .... Nice.

For those who really want one:
• Size: 400mm diameter x 50 mm height.
• Color: White
• Material: ABS plastic
• Includes: Factory Circle, Seed pack 8g, base material to hold water 121g

When Issey Miyake meets Licca Chan

Licca-chan is perhaps the most famous doll from Japan, having captured the styles and culture of Japan and the world since 1967.

Licca’s limited edition designs are in high demand in the collector’s market, and this is the very limited Pleats PleaseIssey Miyake Licca doll for the high-fashion set.

Designed by Issey Miyake, this Licca doll was already off the market after a mere 2-week run time, and has been limited to only 1000 pieces.

The outfit is modern, avant garde , and highly versatile.

A preproduction of the actual runway outfit.

It’s also only available in Japan.

Q ... or else where online if you're prepared to pay hell lot.

2 + 2 is 2much?

In a world where shrinking fortunes mean that even the rich want their cars more 'multi-purposeful'. And less anti-social.

A car that can fulfil all their high end needs such as expensive taste, limo luxe, lounging space and ferocious pace.

Look carefully, they are extreme sports cars , as expected of their pedigree, but with
4 doors, yes, a saloon for more people in space and pace

The Porshe Panamera

Lamborghini Estoque

Aston Martin Rapide

The purist sports car brand is soon a thing of the past with a world more eclectic in its taste.

Some die-hards are beginning to cuss and swear for sure.

Q.... But I ain't complaining. Give me one any time!

Par!s in P!nk

Merry Christmas, Paris!

Your customised Pink Bentley has arrived! ^^

The hotel heiress recently received delivery of the car - a Christmas present to herself worth an estimated $200,000 - fulfilling a childhood fantasy of owning a vehicle like children's toy doll Barbie.

The 27-year-old socialite is planning to decorate the interior of the car in her favourite colour to match its exterior.

She said: 'I've just always wanted a pink car. I think when you're a little girl and you have the Barbie corvette you're always like, 'Oh I wish I had a car like this one day', so I think it just comes from being a fan of Barbie for so long.

'This is a car that I cannot drive every single day but I will be driving a lot. They put on protective tint on the windows so no paparazzi flashes can come through.'

Erm, Paris, and the whole idea of a Pink Bentley , being?

So you'd be anonymous despite the whole world knowing who's behind the wheel?

Paris, we've seen EVERYTHING that you ... are.

Pink Nipples and all.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beauty: No (foot) Pain. No (height) gain.

Look! Victoria w/o heels: akin to a bird without feathers. Or Britney playing chess. ^^

Victoria Beckham plans to rid herself of bunions using a do-it-yourself treatment.

The former Spice Girl has been plagued by the unsightly swellings on her feet throughout her adult life as a result of her penchant for high heels, but now believes she has found a cure.

'Victoria has tracked down a device that you wear at night. It's like a foot splint and moves the toe joint slowly back into place while you sleep.

'She hates the look of the big ugly lumps, as well as the pain.'

Image-conscious Victoria is desperate to cure the painful condition on her own otherwise she faces a painful operation, which would mean she would have to stop wearing her favourite shoes.

Victoria in her comfort zone: High and Fabulous.

'She really wants to avoid surgery as it'd mean she'd be out of heels for months.
The thought of wearing flats during that time terrifies her.'

Victoria has even taken to wearing shoes a size too big in order to give her ravaged feet more room, and is obsessed with getting her toes in top condition in time for summer.

The World's most stylish woman with the world's sexist pair of gams sans heels?!


Q.... Vicky, get them fixed. Pronto!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Suzuki Swiftly Suspends

Suzuki's calling it Quits.


Suzuki became the second Japanese motorsport giant to withdraw from a motor racing discipline on Monday after announcing they would not compete in the 2009 world rally championship largely because of the present financial crisis.

The decision follows a disappointing season in which they finished fifth out of six in the constructors championship and after Honda announced they were withdrawing from Formula One.

"The company, however, foresees the shrinking trend in longer periods of time rather than a short-term phenomenon.

"To secure its own business environment for tomorrow, the organization reviews every aspect of the operations and decided to focus on the core business functions such as the manufacturing system, environment technologies, and development of new-generation powertrains.

"As a result, Suzuki concluded to suspend the WRC activities from 2009."

However, Suzuki have always struggled on account of inadequate funding into development of the car since they made their debut in the 2007 Rally of Corsica. ~MSN news

2 Motor sport giants quiting their niche agendas within weeks of each other.

***While, the big US carmakers are on the verge of complete collapse.

We'll be reverting to bullock carts soon.

Who needs electric, hybrids or alternative fuelled cars now?

Q... less money . More Clean Air, eh?

>>(As long as Subaru doesn't quit the WRC and Ferrari doesnt either for F1, there's still some action there. Somewhere. Erm, let's not jinx it.)

Shoo Bush! ShOE !

A journalist, Zaidi, a reporter with the Al-Baghdadia channel which broadcasts from Cairo, hurled two shoes at President George W. Bush on his farewell visit to Iraq on Sunday, highlighting hostility still felt toward the outgoing US leader who acknowledged that the war is still not won.

*** Comic-strip of the Year ^^:

"YO! Dawg!!!"
"It is the farewell kiss, you dog!"
" Fetch , Bush! Fetch!"
" Awwww.... he missed. Bad boy, Sit!"
" I'm ok ! I'm cool. I get this all the time."

Muntazer al-Zaidi jumped up as Bush held a press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, shouted "It is the farewell kiss, you dog" and threw his footwear.

The president lowered his head and the first shoe hit the American and Iraqi flags behind the two leaders. The second was off target.

He was immediately wrestled to the ground by security guards and frog-marched from the room.

Throwing a shoe at someone is considered the ultimate insult in Arab culture.

After Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled in Baghdad in the April 2003 US invasion, many onlookers beat the statue's face with their shoe soles.

Bush laughed off the latest incident.

Yeah, his best Policy so far .... ACT COOL .

Q... LMAO ^^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Supermodel Femme Bot 2 .. Pose!

You better work! Pose!

"Mannequins have been static but this will pose for the nearest person by sensing his or her position,"
robot designer Tatsuya Matsui told a news conference.

"It makes the product the mannequin wears look more attractive, increasing consumers' appetite to buy," said Matsui, who heads Flower Robotics Inc.

The female robot, code-named Palette, can draw inspiration from the world's most beautiful women, using motion-capture technology to replay the movements of supermodels.

Palette will double up as an industrial spy, with the maker planning to program it to judge the age and sex of shoppers and even identify the bags they are carrying and pass along the information to stores for marketing purposes.

"Consumer attention would be diverted to the face if there were one,"
said Matsui, the designer, noting he wanted customers to focus on the clothes or jewellery the mannequin wears.

Faceless. Model and spy.

Sounds like a 007 female spy to me . ^^

It's really the face that makes the model, honey.


My Doggy Lies over the Ocean ....

... my doggy lies over the sea...

My dear Bull Terrier, the late Foxxxy Cleopatra. Passed away early this year. A chapter of a beautiful life closed.

Her mannerisms. Her charm.
Dearly missed. And I'd give anything in this world just to sea her one last time.

Meet Genibo, the Robotic Bull Terrier.

The Korean scientists came up with this when Sony axed the Aibo.

Advanced and responsive.

All the perks (almost) and none of the fur , food, bath , poo , sickness and death to deal with.

Still, I'd give anything to have Foxxxy back.

Q ... the attention and love only a living creature could give.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Supermodel Femme Bot

While robots certainly come in many shapes and sizes, they tend to be, by and large, masculine.

Seeing the lack of representation of the fairer sex, Tomotaka Takahashi (below; famous tech-designers seldom look this good, btw) took on the task of creating a robot that didn't just look female, but moved in a feminine way as well.

Thus the FT (female type) robot was born.

The FT is a fine diva that can perform a graceful catwalk with all the twists, turns and poses of a supermodel.

Her creator Tomotaka Takahashi believes that half all the robots that will be created in the future will be females.

While making FT he consulted with professional models on how to give FT a feminine walk and posture.

Her lean, athletic frame made up of 23 motors and 2 gyroscopes, and needs a checkup twice a year; needing to be maintained biannually by a robotic gynaecologist.

Of the two FT’s built one is going up for auction and the bidding starts at $300,000.

Dollars, not Yen.

Mind you.

Do I smell the coming-era of 'Femme Bot Supermodels?' ^^

Posture, picture, proportion and pose perfect.

Never an 'off-season'.

Always flawless in cut and shape.


Never in a need for a liposuction, botox or plastic surgery to 'fix anything hanging'.

Forever Fabulous.

Adding to that, impeccable professionalism, glowing personality and fashionably .... punctual. (most models aren't)

***Directive: 'FIERCE'. ***

Q ... Just imagine, there might come a day where FT can memorise, recall, process and emulate any top model's facial expressions, walks and poses. Then make it all her own. Amazing.