Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just the Lonely Talkin Again

Loneliness. It leaves one helpless. It leaves one dying from the inside.

You long for that special someone.

Yet, when one is actually in a relationship, there's still the heart ache.

What's it all about?

Hollow existance. Emptiness


Pretty Dead falling off the Top

You come from a foreign land. You speak little to communicate with those who matter.

You feel the desperate need to succeed because it was a leap of faith that brought you there in the first place.

There's nothing to go back to. No future even.

No turning back.

Try Hard or Die Trying.


Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova.

She worked her way to the top and it's dizzying to stay up there.

That's why she fell off to her death.


It ain't easy with titans like Tyra, Gisele and Heidi around.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Super MANN

Had a dress up parday just last Friday .... and I was Superman.

Ok, more like Clark Kent - Superman transition.

I mean, serious, I wouldn't want to stroll around in Red undies and tight spandex would I ?

Had loads of fun doing a semi-striptease in front of the crowd .


Now everyone calls me by that name. Quite a rep builder huh?

Q ^^


She, the FIERCE and fabulous Supermodel-turned-Media Mogul.

Tyra, Tyra, like a whirl wind, nothing can stop her . ^^

She who taught the world how to have high self esteem and 'smile with your eyes' .


Still, she's total hotness in this month's NY Time Magazine.

And we thought the mag was boring stuff.

That's A Media Mogul for you .


>> Drag Queens out there, eat your hearts out . :)

Been gone too long...

One whole month of COMPLETE Disconnection .

My dear lappie died on me after 4 long years.

And once again, luxuries and conveniences like internet connection becomes such wonders .

For too long , I was lost. Deranged. Suffering withdrawal symptoms even.


Now I am back. AND attacking with a vengence.

Be afraid.

ha ha.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Perceptions are others' alright!

We go about our daily lives trying our darnest to form the right image of ourselves in front of others.

We barely let our guard down because as much as we say that we're open and honest about who we are , in reality, the minute we step out of our homes, we almost immediately put on a mask.

A mask that says that you're attractive, capable, positive to be with etc.

And we go about rebelling that we'll we are who we are and be regardless of what others think of us.

But truth be told, people's perception of ourselves do matter.

Are they condescending? Are they faking it? Are they smitten by you, rather? Or in their eyes' you're the most obnoxious or strangest person on earth.