Thursday, November 29, 2007

Steel .... is not as hard :(

My other Giant 'foot-balley' Hermie, Shen-Steel, is dying. Possibly.

Two or three legs have fallen off. Bad bad signs. B.A.D

This is getting so depressing. What a time for the dead and dying. :-(:::

What da HELL IS HAPPENING ????????!!!!!!!!!!

It was well just yesterday.

The whole Crabitat looks just fine. Why then are my Ruggies dying?

I'd be left with ... two? OMG.

Giant Hermits are so rare. Arrggggh .



Q said...

It's almost as though the death of one ... sent a ripple of emotional stress or turmoil through the Crabitat... and Hermies simply cannot handle stress!!!

Boo woo . OMG.

Q said...


Death was eminent.

Shen-Steel passed away.

It didn't slump out. It died with dignity.

It will be missed.

R.I.P n Out. :( :::