Thursday, November 1, 2007

Children = Cows

"Books are like Pastures that you have to encourage children to graze upon."

~ You Jin, a famed short-story and essay writer and a Chinese Tutor at PioneerJC .

Spoken words by a true educator. Wise and inspiring. :)

But wait, is she insinuating that children are like, cows?!

Blardy bovines??? And yes, books are indeed good sources of fibre.

Joking. :op

Sorry, Madam Moo !!!!


Q said...

Jokes aside, it's true that the best students (and adults) in language are the ones that read the most when they were younger.

Try your darnest to learn language in a technical manner like you do for Math o Science is only good for clearing exams but does nothing to make you mor linguitically profound.

Q said...

*'more linguistically'

Sorry... typo error not poor in English.