Monday, May 21, 2007

Superficiality equals bad judgement of Character

It may sound odd that someone like me who models, would talk about others being 'superficial'.

Well, trust me, when one is being judged constantly on how one looks (after a while one really couldnt be bothered!) and when it also irritates the hell out of me ... to see how people become poor judges of character and hidden agendas/personalities...

It irks me some one like me... who ought to be more concerned about 'looks and appearances' .... end up being less concerned of that when meeting people.... and yet ... others, who's lives don't necessarily revolve on 'appearances' and 'asthetics' .... as the cliche saying goes...'Judge a book by its covers'...

Its disgusting when you see the deceptions handed out and presumptions people make of them.

One fine day. The truth(s) wil spill out all OVER them.

Then again, few ever learn.

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