Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Style than Spice?

Victoria Beckham is flattered people think Roland Mouret designs her fashion label.

At 18 I was in the Spice Girls. But I wasn't very good, let's be honest, I didn't really, you know. sing. This is something I can do.'

The former Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer - who launched her clothing collection in 2008 - often has to contend with reports claiming Roland does all her work for her and while she insists it's not true, she looks at it as a compliment.

She said: 'I suppose if people think the clothes are too good for me to have designed them, that's a backhanded compliment.

Look, I don't draw, but nor do lots of designers. I tie things around me. I experiment with ideas and I try to work out a way to make everything flattering and make a woman feel beautiful.

Oprah Winfrey recently asked me to make her a dress. I must be doing something right.'

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