Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lost Cause.... LIVE Earth

They go on and on on TV, how we 'little people' can collectively make a difference to the World at large.

telling us that the Amazon Basin is cleared of a foot-ball field-sized amount of the Amazon rainforest every 8 seconds by illegal loggers. So what can we do?

The governments all over the world cannot be bothered to pump in money to stop it, what can we mere citizens do? Sign petitions ? (That's yet another crappola which I 'd talk about another fine day. )

I'd drive a hybird car if I could afford one and had either alot to choose from or no choice but to get one ... How many of those cars are out there by the way?

I cannot afford a Toyota Prius OR the taxes imposed. Period. And it aint my fault.

If Ford or General motors or Toyota or VW were trully content with saving the earth rather than profit margins, we'd all be driving hybrids or fully electric or ethanol-powered or solar powered cars.

If our governements are genuine , we'd be charged less driving these new fangled toys around.

Did we say that we don't want change? NO .

Yes, the climate change problem is a problem for us ALL, but we are NOT in the position to impose those solutions.

We ARE little people.


1 comment:

Q said...

Surprise! Suprise !

Recent reports say that the LIVE Earth concerts was a ratings-failure ALL OVER the World.

People generally do not want to support something they don't believe in , Getit? ")