Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Don't be too concerned about others' comments

I realised just how many people out there are too concerned about how other's see them and what are other's perception(s) of them .

Seriously, I do not live my life like that.

I live my own life. Not for others but for myself and for those who matter.

These people don't know you; so have no right or place to critisise you or put you down.

You only have 1 life. Live it for yourself and your sake. Don't let other people's comments twart your goals and aspirations and to be happy with who you are.

Don't let negative and ignorant people breed insecurities in you.

They have their own stinking lives to lead and they are not. They are cowards who do not dare to critisize themselves but listen to others and hence follow suit.

Weak. Ignorant. And having no place or time in my life. Or any others' .

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