Sunday, August 26, 2007

Leonid The Magnificent

Today, I was tuning in to America's Got Talent (admittedly, a show that could have bombed badly like 'Do you Think I'm Hot?" but somehow comes across as surprisingly riveting).

As usual, there were indeed the unquestionable talents a.k.a the great singers and even greater acrobats/jugglers.

And then there where the comic-reliefs that are mandatory to keep ratings up.

But then, came a particular contestant that as much as he looked like another joke, was touchingly heartfelt, and won the judges over (eventually) and certainly the audience.

Leonid The Magnificent, the sword-balancing act, from Brooklyn ,NY, though I am certain he's Greek from his features and accent.

Dressed like a Victoria's Secret angel with testosterone overload at best (he's actually a good-looker sans the make-up of cos), and Mr Gay-Pride Day meets Bavarian fruit cake at worst (actually scoff if you like but seriously, it ain't all that bad, me thinks ), he went on his act with gusto and won Brandy over. But needless to say, the other two male judges were non-too-impressed (more likely distracted or turned-off).

Well, sincerity and real talent was still the focus of the show, so at the end of the segment, Brandy pleaded for Leonid to be called back for another round of deliberation (or potential humiliation ; Bad Bad Brandy) .

This was the punch line for possibly the entire season of this freak-talent show; what Leonid said (and what a tear jerk er .. sent the audience bawling) :

“Yes, for you I’m Christmas Tree, but for somebody else I can be a God.”

Piers decided to change his mind and give him one more chance. He was in .

I salute Leonid. :o)

Just go easy on the colors and boas next time ok? ...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Jason Brooks ... Genius

What enthralls the observer when one picks up the Cds of Hed Kandi DJ albums, Virgin dance albums or the Fierce Angel remix albums? Their covers.

More specifically, the models on them.

Cool. Sexy. Chic. Catty. Classy. Come-hither. Modern. High fashion. At once ethereal but fabulous. These are the type of adjectives one will likely hear from fans world-wide.

Introducing Jason Brooks.

In my opinion the new Andy Warhol of this Millenium.

Not since Warhol with his glamorously camp pop-art technicolor touch in interpreting (and redefining) fashion in pop-culture, has there been an illustrator that redefines fashion and beauty in the current.

What Warhol had carved for himself in the history books of pop-fashion since the seventies and eighties; has not seen an apt replacement.

No one with the ability to 'bend (not blend) with the times'.

Indeed, since the late nineties, Brooks, in collaboration with the famous London club Pushca, single-handedly popularised the glamorous-clubbers and models look.

Brooks' no edgy fashion designer like Tom Ford, Michael Kors or Alexander McQueen. He's not a pivotal pop photographer like Karl Lagerfeld, David Lachapelle or Gille Bensimon.

He is not a product designer TRYING to be Warhol, TRYING to redefine pop-fashion. Like Philip Stark for instance.

Jason Brooks, is like Warhol, in that he is a true blue, artist/illustrator bar none.

He doesn't do Van Gogh or Picasso or Botero. All Brooks does is drawing his interpretation of what is TODAY. Not so much from his eyes, but from everybody else's'.

All he does, is add his Midas touch. He's trade mark cool-sexy-chic. He's strokes are clean, simple, un-cluttered. Ordered. Deliberate. He depicts the Classy and High-life; not the look but the sense of it. His depictions are glamorous-always. Yet, as cold and technical his work comes across, it still leaves one 'oh I wish I was there'-turned on.

His attention to facial symmetry is stunning so is his multi-cultural and racially-impartial expressions in the name of 'a globalised-future' depiction . He thus maintains that fine balance between sexy and being in-offensive.

Looking at his work also allows one to crave and envision oneself in his exclusive fictional world of loft-parties.

It's no wonder he has inspired even high-fashion labels like Versace, Valentino, Christian LaCroix among others, to have him there at their Ateliers.

Even his methodology is unique; was one of the first illustrators to adapt to the new medium of computers. This, combined with his love of drawing, helped to pioneer the new medium and bring about a revolution in the world of illustration as well as a rebirth of what had previously been seen by some as a disappearing art form.

So there. A HUGE fan here. One since the very first time I saw his works....everywhere.
~After you've seen his work , who needs Super-Supermodels like Tyra or Gisele, now ? (LOL, Juz Joking)~

Notorious KIM KOW ... be Damned

The feeling of being triumphant is just amazing.

Notorious Kim-Kow (No no ... not the rapper-diva Lil Kim; I luv her!!!), done it again !

She who is incredulously bossy, self-opinionated, self-absorbed, tree-barker b*t*h... tried to pull a fast one yet again.

"Oh, I'm attending this-this-this .... sorry but I think the WHOLE tutorial group cannot have lessons W/O me.... " .

Can F**king you believe it?!?!?!?!

Well, a well-planned rebuttal which I made back to the lecturer, kinda saved every body's a** from that K'niving Kow.

Hear that Kow? Take a freakin cab and come for lesson like EVERYBODY else.

Stoooopid sh*t girl. Nonsense.

Friday, August 24, 2007


I'm so grounded over the weekend! I'm so gonna be broke!

My car ! My pimped-up ride is in for a hammering at the Welds!!! vv

Got knocked. Got bruised badly in the butt.

My whole day was in titer-tatters. Cats on hawt bricks.

Cos of tat .... Got screwed so badly being late (AGAIN!) for Dr. C's lesson. Arrrggghh.

Remorse. Regret. In avid wonder.

In vivid anger. Bruised butt. Burnt pockets. Damn driver.

Still shaken. Duhz.

An Anal ... NVER felt so bad.

Royal Tardiness

A busy bee. A thrill seeker. A non-casual harbinger . A perfectionist.

Put it all together and what you get is someone who pushes everything to the limit.

Some people can't accept that. Their staunch belief in gratification and prompt will be jarring.

"Take it to the limit!" I may holler but in silence. But to some, it's just unforgiveable. Undeniable. Un believable.

Impressions count. But impressions don't last 'less you take it to heart.

It's embarassing. But the situation shouldn't call for judgemental tendencies.

Live it . Let live.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hopeful ...

When there is the shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, one's hopeful that there is something good waiting at the other end; that the long, lonely wait is over and out.

That dues are paid and all will be better .

There comes that time. That time is now. For me.

Staying positive.

It might still be a case of so-near-yet-so-far eventually (dreaded!) but I remain hopeful.

Grappling with lotsa self-doubt, yes but no, I'm not going to be defeated. Not by my self.

Hopeful .

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fashion POLICE is a crime

Here I was sitting down and tuning in to Channel 5 on the night they term it 'Crime Night.'

'Crime night' happens to be my favourite night on TV b'cos here we have CSI, Cold Case, Criminal Minds and Bones, back to back .

Suspense and the revelation for a full 3 hours. Revel in the ingenuity of both the criminal and the crime-solvers.

But, this night was a shocker. Criminal Minds was pushed back apparently and the dumbos at the broadcast station put 'Fashion Police' in its time slot.


Don't get me wrong. I don't mind celebrities and designers going all ga-ga over the most hip and glam and the 'in' and 'so-last season'.

It's fun and light-hearted and sometimes self-reflective like 'Oh sh*t. I was wearing that this morning! I'm a goose!" haha.

But hey, it 's suppose to be 'CRIME NIGHT' .

'Fashion Police', despite it's name, it's NOT A show about crime-solving for GAWD SAKES (some designers out there might want to hit me for this, I know).


But definitely a crime for Tuesday Crime night TV.

No matter how badly positioned that coif is. Or how moth-eaten that t-shirt is. Or how ripped-jeans is so eighties. B'cos I'm more likely to laugh off a bad dress-sense than to justify a thought of throwing the person in jail.

So whoever was the goof-ball who could hate the 50-cent Whore-Look so much to need to classify fashion mistakes as 'a crime' and then force it to the masses, has got to be way-over the top, prissy.

B'cos a crime is a crime when one thinks not what a crime is.

Respect the individual. :-)


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Being SECURE of one's Metro.

I've had a couple (thank goodness not that many!) of mean people passing remarks like
" Has anyone ever mistaken you for being g@y? or " You
look really good for a guy. You must be
I mean, kudos to all those who 'are all out there and proud of it' ... but I'm just not. And shall not stand others who point fingers and act as if they know me and can size me up.

Neither do I tolerate the discrimination and scoff b'cos I personally know really nice and sweet people who are not straight, yes, but are 10X better individuals then those homophobists out there.

With regards to the 'look-ing good equals mailto:g@y remark stated at the start, I'm neither jaded nor narcissistic to masquerade around thinking myself as looking-good. I am a model and, thus, I get such compliments coming at me all the time so I'm not flighty about it nor do I necessarily wake up in the morning, looking in the mirror and go all " Hey, gorgeous..." (eww!).

Hell, I don't even like taking photographs. I' m the last person you'd expect to see pointing a camera phone at the mirror with me in front of it and clicking away. That's why you'd have to pay me for me to be shot at. Seriously. LOL.

I don't have image issues of course. Wouldn't go plastic surgeon-hunting the minute I can afford it, if you see my point. Neither do I go 'oh-perfect' on myself...

Anyway, back to the gist of the matter, my normal response to those who accuse guys who bother to look smart b'cos they are adamant about walking about campus in flip flops and shorts and hence bother to groom well (for me; both a personal upkeep and a job-necessity) as 'g@y' , EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT.

Eva heard of the term 'Metro-sexual'?

And even I don't put on make up ... (guys shouldn't on a daily basis... cos that's just naaaazzzzty!")

B'cos if stinking fellas like you out there who look 'THIS BAD (as you do)', you should HAVE BEEN EXTINCT.

I specifically remember the Neanderthals died out 5000 years ago.

And we happen to be called the 'HOMO' sapiens. What irony. LMAO ROTF.

So unless you're not one... and still have nothing nice to say... shut up.^^

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Taking Possession

" To the Left. To the Left. Everything you own ; in the box, to the Left. In the closet, that's my stuff, yes, if I bought it , Please don't touch." .... LOL.

What bitter irony. What a squeeze. What a scare. WTF.

Ever been threatened? They wanna take what's yours b-cos they think they can?

The pettiness. The pinching? The biatching? The ruthlessness?


I'll show them. WAIT. I'll slap it all over their faces.

I'll make it RIGHT. Parody>...
" To the Right. To the Right. Everything you deserve, in your face, to the right. If you felt it, that's my hand, yes, if you liked it, what the fu*k..." B-)=

Still, I'd rather THIS ...

" They can say anything they want to say, try to bring me down, but I won't face the ground, trying hard to succeed; staying out of their reach; and they can try hard to make me feel that I , don't matter at all, but I refuse to falter in what I believe; staying out of their reach, and they, they can lie to me, but I'll shine brightly, yes, they can try, but they can't take that away from me..."

I swear I 'll get them off my back in a week. XXX

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shells... the FAVs and the NOTs

Well, another post on my dear Ruggie Hermies. :p
Been getting inquiries on their favourite and least favourite shells .

So kinda looked around and found (finally!) pictures of the shells Hermies love A LOT and those whom they love VERY LITTLE .

The bottom pic are the type of shells that not only look gorgeous (looking like scoops of peppermint chocolate chip ice cream duncha think??? LOL .... :0), they are all-time favs with the Hermies.

These shells are hard, ripped,very spacious, large openings and smooth-inner silver lining for ultimate comfort (no, I'm not talking about condoms here). It's hardly a wonder.

Well as for the top pic, it shows shells found at the opposite end of the fav. spectrum with the hermies (aka hate-as-hell-shells), would be the quintessential commercially-driven painted shells. They are pretty kewt, yes, but only to us. But are usually, not well-shaped and un-ideal for any self-respecting hermit crab.

My tw0-cents worth trivia. heh heh.

So much... So much

Stress leads to depression especially for workaholics like me who live by the rule of thumb of Carpe Diem.

So much to do. Too little time. So much to aspire. So much waiting to be settled and overcomed but the body, mind, soul and schedule just does not allow it.

The lack of sleep,the failing health, the deteriorating spirit....

I admire (but only on the really rare occasion) those who lead a carefree easy-go-lucky thype of life style.

The rat race is some times too much to bare. To much to sacrifice. Too much...too much ... too much.

Some times, it's sanity and faith (and pure ambition and personality) that keeps one going.

Keep telling yourself " Carpe diem ! " , but whatta hell.

So much.... Too Much???

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


How much is a face worth? What do impressions really tell us?

As a model who's used to being judged on looks alone ,on one hand, and a varsity student on the other who was recently doing this experiment with his university lecturer; my tutorial group was asked to look at a class photograph taken circa 2002.

We were asked to literally size-up the students ranking the Top 10 and Bottom 10 students into two groups namely 'Academic prowess' and 'Sporting prowess'.

Yes, on looks alone. That single shot. Never mind if it was a bad shot, or the subject(s) had a bad day or a bad photographer, was distracted or whatever. That alone. That single mug shot in time where first impressions were used to size up how smart or dump or active or clumsy a kid ought and should be in real life.


Yes, the lecturer justified her purpose saying that it proves the point of the teacher-expectency in relation to eventual self-fulfilling prophecy and performance.

How, can I be comfortable with stigmatizing people that way? The discrimination is palpable, subconscious and natural, no doubt.

But I've had the fortune (notice its not good nor bad nor otherwise) to have been cast in a position to see and recieve both ends of such humanistic tendencies.

I once posted this personal shout -out

" What others have to say , does matter. But how much does it matter to you,
you'll have to decide."
I still believe in this notion whole-heartedly (you're kidding if I don't? I coined it yeah).

But the real issue is while I personally have the global self-esteem to live-up to it ,what about unfortunate kids or souls out there who lack the self-efficacies in whatever area is dear or important to them enough , where by it bothers them incessantly and a single word that even remotely smells negative, could tear them to shreds or scar them further?

Can simply being steadfastly neutral save the day?

It really bring light to how we deal with the people around us. And how hurting them might hurt our own karma.

'Don't spoil the karma?' as that beautiful-song goes... you have to try.

B'cos preceeding consequences on that are far more dire than you ever thought.

I can go all cliche saying the usual 'book covers' and 'don't judge them'. But I'd be missing the point.

It's what you say which DOES matter. What you see, DOESN'T.

So, to put it bluntly. WATCH IT.
Be NICE or Be Gone.


Deja Vu: ~a noun~Psychology. the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time.

V for Vendetta? No not the movie, try V: for Vagina

So...What do you get when ex-es start sleeping together again? Screwed up.

It totally explains the real basis of why the former relationship started and worked for awhile b'fore fizzling out. Lust.

Love doesn't die. Lust does. Explained. Figured out.

So messed up . Arrgggh. Stoooopid yours-truly.

So what you get when it's another 'again' with the ex?

Deja Vu + Vagina = DejaV. ...... D'ja'V.

(U heard it first here. Don't quote ok?)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Newest Member , Qyn

Gather all and hail my crabitat's latest Hermie ruggie, Qyn .

When Uncle 'Haha' (btw his sales assistant is HAWT!) brought out Qyn, it was crabby-luv at first sight I tell ya..

First of, it was like a perfect representation of both the late G.I and McQueen.

It has the beatiful green Mother Of pearl shell just like whatMcQueen had before it died (now home to Sea Biscuit)and it was huge just like G.I.

Apart from it having the perfect semblence to the late two, it was active and full of vigor.

Expensive, yes, but so far, it proves to be worth it.

In fact, it's so bold and adaptable (something which G.I simply wasn't) , it's begining to show whose the boss on Carapace Island (as I've said, go ahead and laugh). Even the normally Bold Fossil is timid now ; getting me a lil worried... hmmm. (Shudder)

Anyway, I've also added more sand onto the beach so that if a moult was to happen, it'll happen and I'd be less worried that I'd miss it happening and have another death similar to poor McQueen (as I suspect) .

Also, I've rearranged the whole set up. Hopefully they all are adapting well. I sure hope!

Still a work in progress though. (I hope to add a canopy and a backdrop) So it's close to completion.... Yay !

Welcome again, Qyn .

Clap clap clap.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Finding the right shell ~OBSERVATIONS

Ok , still on the topic of hermie shells. (Told you to bear with me just for a while longer :p)

I've observed that bright painted shells are not popular with my Ruggies.

Those who had the chance to change to a au naturel one all have (even if its former occupant litterally just died in it aka recall late McQueen & Sea Biscuit saga). Those who had the good fortune of already being in one, stayed on in theirs aka Fossil)

So Uncle Haha's scam of selling expensive painted shells to the owners as a premise that the Hermies love to change shells (this I can't refute though) and will love what's been provided at the shop (which is major cappola; hence this blog entry), is scam !

So now I know.

My theory as to why my Ruggies have a nack for natural shells:

  1. Natural shells are harder and heavier and often comes with spikes/ridges: If I'm a Hermie, I too would feel safer being housed in one. The painted shells are light and comparatively brittle b'cos the external had been buffed down to have a smooth surface for the painting of designs to take place. This means that these shells are thinner. (Suffice to say "Looking good but not feeling gorgeous" LMAO)

  2. Natural shells are as its name suggests, natural looking. Natural colored and textured like rocks and pebbles. Fantastic camoflage! As a reclusive Hermie, this is an obvious choice. Other than parrots, Birds of the Paradise, Poison Arrow frogs and the usual suspects, every creature out there would want to be able to blend. To hide. And most aren't even close to being as introverted as these crustaceans. This is probably the reason why KaKa and Scarab are into their black & White shells too. They are painted yes, but are at the very least closest to looking sedated. Think Zebras :-)

Why then painted shells?

  1. To attract buyers; a novelty. " So cute!!!" Or that kid there would have ended up with yet another rabbit.

  2. The poor hermies were forced out of their original shells and having no where to hide, have to make do with those pretty fugly painted shells; better protected and looking like a clown then a vulnerable shrimp waiting to be torn apart (it's like being raped naked AND cannibalised after that).

Devious Uncle 'Haha' and Co. :-/

So, in the mean time, I can only use the other shells I bought so foolishly, as art deco in the crabitat and crossing my fingers in hope that my Ruggies can be more 'adventurous' and try on some 'haute couture'. LOL ROTF.

Next time, more Naturals!!!

Cursed Shells?

Alright , another crab-tastic update.
(As I'm now part of this international communitee of Herbie owners, this is going to be quite often from now on; so brace yourself. LMAO.)

First off, lemme RE-introduce my army of Ruggies (a short for Coenobita Rugosus, a rare African-Australian land species) on Carapace Island (laugh!):
  1. Fossil: my king of the hill, a notorious tree climber and 'out-in-the-open' herbie(bold!)
  2. KaKa: my football-shelled sleeper
  3. Sea Biscuit: another tree climber and the star of this blog entry as you'll see later*
  4. Crush: Bold but less outstanding member now; nice orange exo though
  5. Scarab: My 'mod' member (luv it's shell!); shy though
  6. G.I (R.I.P): my limp and dead giant (it was HUGE! Like 5-times bigger than anyone else)
  7. McQueen (R.I.P): my sudden-death tragedy

*The controversy:

McQueen had been d'capitated and dead for about two days now, and let's recall that it's original 'Red Race Car #4 shell' was taken up by Sea Biscuit. It was right before that time when McQueen switched to this green (and expensive! Damn..) Mother of Pearl shell. And it lost its vigour and went all reclusive, quiet and 'away' from the rest.

About a day ago, Sea Biscuit, now ( or rather previously) b'came the 'Red Race Car #4' , once so active and tree-climbing crazy, it switched to the green shell also previously occupied by the the late McQueen. Now it has lost its vigour and went all reclusive, quiet and 'away' from the rest.

Sounds rather like a string of curses here? Sounds creepy if you asked me.

A case of an alluring and very beautiful shell but by one that is cursed?

A fate that is somehow so remarkably familiar; it rings a deathly bell.

I cross my fingers and hope this is not the case!


Friday, August 10, 2007

Die Hard ... indeed

I'm actually able to write this simply because I'm left sitting in my living room watching TV due to cancelled appointments.

Before I slip into lamenting my loser-weekend yet again, I'll distract myself (and you a bit) with a short opinionated review of the never-die movie, Die Hard.

Whilst still watching DH#2 right now, lemme brief the non-fans of this movie what this entire string of sequel movies are basically about.

They run on the plot of disgruntled high-ranking civil servants turned-bad and turning into maniacal terrorists, wanting to show the world and the not-listening government (since when have they ever did?) , on what over-reliance on Technology can do to wreck havoc on the life-style we take for granted.

Then what ensues are lots of guns, explosions and wow-sequences. Bad guys so brilliant and ruthless, the donut-eating cops can kiss their pay cheques good bye.

Yes, you get the idea. Typical 80's style action movies.

Of course, Die Hard 4.0 , its latest installment recently, is a hundred times more sophisticated and action packed and its almost a wonder how the the first three ho-hums even earned enough credits to allow for a brilliant 4th one to even happen.

Thank god for Bruce Willis' star power. And lots of bang bang bang.


What a start-stop day it had been today! :(

FOUR last minute Work APPOINTMENT CANCELLATIONS originally planned back to back in the matter of 6 hours.

So , as you can imagine, my entire day's schedule was COMPLETELY ruined .

For a Busy Bee like me... this is worse than not have meal breaks in between.

It's having too much free time which was un planned for . No meet ups. No movie dates. No club hangs. No life. What a rot !

The worst part? It's a Domino Effect when appointments are pushed back.

My Saturday is completely ruined. My only cool weekend is now effectively halved.

That makes it two full days and a week end so down the drain.

AND the ones who are so irresponsible ending me in this plight .... don't care. Don't wanna know. Don't give a god-damn.

Are simple smses and missed calls sufficient? Screw them.

Now I'm left with spending my precious chill out time for what should have been a long weekend, into a dumb Friday evening watching Die Hard 2 on TV...

And thinking how my Saturday, tomorrow, gonna suck so bad.


"All rearing to go within minutes... then 'sorry can't make it today' call..." X4

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Being Singaporean and what it means

A day after the aftermath of NDP 2007 (yeah I still think it's bad LOL ), it lets me ponder once more , or rather , renew my commitments and aspirations of, being a Singaporean.

Well, first off, I'm a first generation Singaporean; being born to Malaysian-Peranakan -Spanish -Philipino parents. First to have a full education here. First to waste my time doing Spartan-like National Service (army training for the uninitiated or foreign).

And I'm gonna spend the next four years serving out my bond with the Singapore Government. I can so curl up and weep right now.... sighz.

Anyway, I don't whine so I'm just going to move on from here.

So, what it it that make a Singaporean , well, 'Singapore'?

The love of cha kuay teow and Mee Goreng? Chicken rice fetish? Roti Prata late-night cravings?

Or is it the obsession with cars and property?

Wearing slippers every where we go? (Even to important events and formal settings like lectures? Yuck.)

I guess one will never really know until we're like those who's stayed away in another place long enough and come to realisation what they truly identify themselves by.

But for the rest of us, we'll just continue to enjoy the local food and hate the annual blah National Day Parades.

After all , what trully defines Singaporeans is this: We don't care for anyone or anything but ourselves.

UGLY. Sounds synonymous doesn't it?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy B.Day Whitney Houston

Why is there a full blog entry for what is simply Miss Houston's B-day on the 9th of August?
Ain't she like a messed-up fallen big star? You'd say for sure.

Truth is, for the uninitiated, her achievements are so astounding and extensive that there are actually entire websites devoted to just what she's achieved thus far, let alone simply about her.

Let's start:
Whitney Elizabeth Houston (born August 9, 1963) is an American pop and R&B singer, actress, film producer, and former model.

She has sold approximately 170 million albums and singles, and is ranked as the best selling female R&B artist ever according to the Guinness Book of World Records. And one of the biggest selling artistes of all time.

She is well known for her vocal power, control, range and soprano voice.

Houston was one of a handful of black artists to receive heavy rotation on MTV in the mid-1980s.

She became the first and, to date, only artist to have a record seven consecutive Billboard Hot 100 number one hit singles.In addition to performing, Houston has become an accredited actress, producer, and philanthropist.

-Her 1985 debut album 'Whitney Houston' became the Biggest Selling Debut album by a female artist. It was also the first ever album in history to debut at #1 on the album sales chart. It spawned the first 3 of the record 7-consecutive #1 hit singles.

-Her sophomore album 'Whitney' became the Biggest selling SophomoreAlbum by a female artist. It produced the next 4 #1 hit singles to give Houston the record breaking tally of 7 Consecutive #1 hit singles; more than any other artist in history.

-Her first soundtrack album 'The Body Guard' became the Biggest Selling Sound track album of all time as well as the a tie ((with MJ's 'Thriller') for the Biggest Selling Album of all Time (43 million).

-The first single of 'The Body Guard' album 'I Will Always Love You' debuted at #1 and remained there for a record 14-weeks straight. It is also the biggest selling single of all time.

-Her second sound track album 'Waiting to Exhale' spawned Houston's 11th #1 hit ' Exhale (Shoop Shoop)' . Making her the 5th Highest ranking artist is history with the most number of #1 hit single on the Bilboard Hot 100 chart.

-Her third sound track album 'Preacher's Wife' became the biggest selling Gospel album in history .

-Her 2000 album 'Whitney: Greatest hits' became the Biggest Selling Greatest hits album by a Female artist.
-It spawned the Billboard Top 10 hit ' The Star Spangled Banner', making her the only artist ever to have a Top 10 hit of a song written in the 18th Century.

In August 2001, Houston signed the biggest record deal in history with Arista/BMG. She renewed her contract (worth $100 million) to deliver six new albums on which she would also earn royalties.

Whitney is also recognised as the the most accoladed artist in music history; achievements include multiple Grammys, Emmys , Billboard Awards and a record 21 American Music awards.

Whitney has amassed a total of 11 #1 hit singles putting her in the Top 5 artistes with the most number of Number-Ones to their names. Of which, her first seven is also a record 7 consecutive #1s.

1985; “Saving All My Love for You
1986; “
How Will I Know
1986; “
Greatest Love of All
1987; “
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)
1987; “
Didn't We Almost Have It All
1988; “
So Emotional
1988; “
Where Do Broken Hearts Go
1990; “
I'm Your Baby Tonight
1991; “
All the Man That I Need
1992; “
I Will Always Love You
1995; “
Exhale (Shoop Shoop)

In all, she's had over 45 Guinness Book of Record entries to her name for her chart and sales achievements in the Music industry.

For the full list of the her record-feats do visit :

Her Personal life:
After years of troubled personal and public life with bad boy singer Bobby Brown, she's finally divorsed him on April 24th 2007.

Putting alledged addiction and marital problems behind her, she'd been seen in public appearances looking more radiant than ever and her much-anticipated new album is due at end of this year.

So, indeed, Happy Birthday Whitney! It's not just anotherB-Day, but a trully happy one. As an ardent fan, yeash, I am tremendously joyous for you.

God bless and looking forward to better times ahead.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Casualty No.Two .... D'capitation

My poor McQueen. My once robust race car ruggie-herbie.

It showed signs of moulting. But as always, it was mistaken as momentary lethargy.

It's been digging into the corners for awhile now. So I ought to have taken a hint.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

It's still alive and well. But it's been victimised by Fossil; it by far the most notorious herbie on Carapace Island.

Two walking legas have be ripped off and shrewn all over.

I practically fell off my stool while sitting down to observe; when I discovered.

McQueen is now in ICU. And hopefully it will survive!!! Pls, don't konk on me!

Fossil is wild, bold and big. And it has been trying to get to McQueen for awhile. That too, should have been a huge hint.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

The next two I must look out for are KaKa and Scarab. These two have been in their pits in B-Cave for a long while now.

But I might still be wrong.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

Lastest update:

R.I.P McQueen .... u will be missed.

Time's a Wasting in campus

The new Academic year is NOW.

Though not in full swing , as always the case.

But, once again, what's annoying is how specific hours are allocated to each module and have to be adhered to and completed.

And you realise that the lecturers just go on and on and on.... For god's sakes, get to the point!

Give us our assignments. Tell us how to do it . Brief us once and for all what they want and expect of us and how to get them done. Let's get started NOW .

Enough with the time wasting and all the preachy preachy preachy.

We ain' got 4ever. We have lives to lead; other things that preoccupy us besides school work.

I trully believe that our academic time can be cut by half or even more if we just get down to the assignments pronto.After all, isnt' that what we ARE graded for?

Guess, after 3 years, it's just getting all so predictable and boring and we basically just want to get our degrees ASAP and move on with our lives .

Cha.... Then again...

I just got to brace myself and stay commited and keep the enthusiasm up for I'm still gunning for a good classification since I 'm well on my way to one thus far.
SO, No jinx-ing ! Focus.

What ever. LOL

But when I eventually graduate, I'll sure miss this campus....

Business Opportunities Knock-ing

Today ended with such amazing coincidences!

I'm graduating in a year's time and I've a 4-year bond to serve out .... what next?

Well, of the millions of things I aspire to accomplish one day, one of which is to open my own bakery.

Of course , if this doesn't work out ('case it doesn't!), don't quote me here pls. ..

And I had a dinner-hang out with a school mate which I met while doing a module a year back. We've remained as friends and its been a while.

While driving to the nearby mall food court, we realised that we had this in common : We wanted to open a bakery one fine day.

He's got the relevant skills and industry connections. I had the business sense and plan in mind.

We needed FUNDS.

As we pondered over our food, out of the blue, my student who owns a Ferrari, a multi-million dollar business which is about to go Public no less, bungalow... yeash. You got the idea; called.

Nothing business was conversed through his Vertu, just smooth talk about cars and such.

Now, that's a friend. And surely a very potential investor !

There, things are definitely coming about.

Hopeful. Inspired. Wow.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Missing Landscapes...

What do you get when you put an economic power house with not much land to spare for its ceaseless expansion?

High property prices matched with the buying power of global tigers...

"En bloc! En bloc !!" you say ?

True dat.

As our country nears yet another year of celebrating its Independence, if we look back in another 40-50 years time, we'll have this void in our heritage.

Buildings and structures define a society at its different stages of social and economic growth.

The Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza, the Pantheon of Greece etc even the Stature of Liberty are examples of eras gone by; defining the trials, tribulations and upheavals the respective regions and their societies faced. Traditions and cultures were thus defined and transcended till this day.

For a nation like Singapore, we are both blessed and cursed by the the need to constantly renew and redevelop everything that speaks in the name of keeping the country's cash registers ringing and the coffers filled.

Buildings that defined our years of nation building and social setting, are gradually being torn down in the name of putting up new structures in their places.

Soon, we will see this awkward void in our physical history when we look back years from now.

We'll see the Colonial and Migrant influences of the 1700-early 1900s such as the City Hall area , the China Town/Little India/Kampung Glam area and the Singapore River side area. And then you'll see futuristic, commercially driven buildings we are busy erecting today to reflect our 'global position'.

This means what we have now and in the future are buildings that not necessarily reflect who we truly are but what we want the world at large to see us.

Then of course, back to the gist,this country will have little significant buildings that depicts the 60s-early 90s Singapore.

Nothing is new enough. Every things is old enough.

We tear down buildings that could have been upper class housing developments, posh hostels and high-end malls in other countries. But to us, at least to the authorities and money-faces developers, they are merely hindrance to bigger profits and fatter pay cheques and bonuses.

So, from now til 2050 perhaps, we're left with odd-looking, and even odder sounding, awe-LESS inspiring buildings.

Oh, but take heart, b'cos once their novelty shapes wear out, we'll tear it down again. :=P

Giving the Cold Shoulder

There are always the ups and Downs in any relationship.

But giving the other party the cold shoulder basically means you that lead each other into confusion as to what went wrong and at the same time let the problem (and each other) seethe in guilt, pain and anguish.

The 'Cold Shoulder' treatment is the Number One culprit when it comes to having 'communication breakdowns' , 'no longer talking scenarios', 'he/she is controlling' (too much whining and barking at each other; see what happens when too much pent-up emotions overflow the words?) and the classic 'irreconcilable differences'.

Let's put it simply, if you don't talk, don't discuss the issues at hand, how can the respective parties undersand each other's mentality and thoughts/ideas?

Problems cannot be solved by them selves. They have to be looked into and worked upon.

And that goes with not having egos and stuck-ups be in the way of things.

Be mutually fair. Don't go all biatchy. Be tactful. Be democratic. Be open. Be sincere. Not blunt.
Be sensitive. And most of all, be level-headed , which means, cool off first. (do that mini-meditation thing within youself for a couple of seconds to a few minutes.)

Tell yourself that you'd want to walk away a happier you, the matured one and the bigger person. Why make enemies? You see.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

First casualty... Dead and Replaced.

G.I the gentle giant Ruggie-Herbie is the first to enter Crab Heaven (that's what all crab-thusiasts say online when one passes on) .

It had been gravely sick since Day One and had been in ICU since then and had never set a claw in my yet-t0-be-named Crabitat.

So don't go pointing fingers about me being a terrible owner or something....

I went to Uncle 'HaHa' this late afternoon and he had the dead G.I replaced, 'cos that's what written on the back of its Certificate rather than 'Dead', with 2 smaller Ruggie-Hermies which I've certified as Sea Biscuit and Scarab.

Well, G.I had a hard life. Considering it weathered longer enough than the rest to grow to its enormous size, it didn't have a home to call it's own for long. On top of that , it was literally flushed down the bowl and de-shelled on the spot (apparently, the shell is more valuable.... true true.) Where's the dignity?

So never mind it stank to high-heavens in my car. That was perhaps the only it mark it trully left on me. ;p

So enuff with the sentimental.

Let's welcome :

1)Sea Biscuit: It had a stalllion head painted on its Blue shell


2)Scarab: It's really another race car like McQueen(albeit a shyer one) but me and my bro kinda decided we just had to name one 'Scarab' after watching The Mummy video last night. LOL (Besides, two 'S's is fitting considering the circumstances these two were adopted together.)

Bitter sweet. Clap clap clap.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Crabitat .... to call me own:-)

To the uninitiated, a 'crabitate' sounds major crapola ... but lemme explain.

A 'Crabitat' is an artificial habitat created buy the owner of HERMIT CRABS so that these spoiled critters can have a whole mini-ecosystem to call their own. ( Crab + Habitat= Crabitat. Getit? :p )

Anyway, as mentioned, after years of haggling from my brother, I've finally took the chance and got myself my own Hermies.

Skeptical , even grossed out at first, but I was itching to bring in some new excitement into my life after the Venus Fly trap a close gal friend gave me a while back is becoming more a weed than a wacker.

Guess,my recent spate of depression is kinda making me more open to some meaningful retail therapy well...

Anyhow, I drove myself half way across the island to where it was the only place in these parts where I could adopt these exoticas.

Well, these Hermies needed special licenses to bring them in for legal rearing about 3 years back. It still appeals to an extremely niche clientele today. But in recent context, the word 'adoption' is hardly the apt word here.

My crabitat is only 'almost' done up and it had already cost me 300 bucks and rising.

Back then, perhaps it would have cost me 10Xs less.

Anyway, before I reel in the aftermath of a wanton retail therpy-spree gone bad, I'd say, I'm LOVING what I see !!!

The hermies come with cute adoption cards and their names are as follows:
  1. Fossil (looks straight out of stone age)
  2. Crush (had Crush the sea turtle of Finding Nemo fame painted on; but has since then shifted shell)
  3. McQueen (my race car champion who had the entire family looking high and low for it)
  4. KaKa (my football darling who is somehow being bullied by the others now)
  5. G.I (we call it 'Gigi' bcos it sounds cuter; my gentle giant who's so limp & boring that it is beginning to become nothing more than a paper weight)

With a meticulous choice (ok , fussy) of furniture within the tank, my Crabitat is looking fantastic although I still feel it lacking something (more trees?) . Hmmmm.

I think G.I and KaKa are moulting and it's a worrisome time for me bcos they are so vulneralbe right now and have to be seperated from the rest and into dark isolation. Dun want the cannibalism to start! (Already, we spotted McQueen and Crush ganging up against KaKa! Phew! Was there on time. Gulp.)

BTW, I was totally grossed out when Crush slipped out of its shell, exposed it's alien-like soft abdomen area and slotted into another shell just to test for fit (it eventually settled for another one that is almost identical but bigger, a lil later) It looked like those Face Huggers from the Alien movies!

I'll be checking on them very often and I hope for the best.

I might even add pictures here. Stay tuned. :-)
