Friday, August 10, 2007

Die Hard ... indeed

I'm actually able to write this simply because I'm left sitting in my living room watching TV due to cancelled appointments.

Before I slip into lamenting my loser-weekend yet again, I'll distract myself (and you a bit) with a short opinionated review of the never-die movie, Die Hard.

Whilst still watching DH#2 right now, lemme brief the non-fans of this movie what this entire string of sequel movies are basically about.

They run on the plot of disgruntled high-ranking civil servants turned-bad and turning into maniacal terrorists, wanting to show the world and the not-listening government (since when have they ever did?) , on what over-reliance on Technology can do to wreck havoc on the life-style we take for granted.

Then what ensues are lots of guns, explosions and wow-sequences. Bad guys so brilliant and ruthless, the donut-eating cops can kiss their pay cheques good bye.

Yes, you get the idea. Typical 80's style action movies.

Of course, Die Hard 4.0 , its latest installment recently, is a hundred times more sophisticated and action packed and its almost a wonder how the the first three ho-hums even earned enough credits to allow for a brilliant 4th one to even happen.

Thank god for Bruce Willis' star power. And lots of bang bang bang.

1 comment:

Q said...

Been wanting to write a review of sorts for Die Hard 4.0 since I was tricked into watching it at the cinema by my pals a couple of weeks back... and walking out smiling .

So here it is. Kinda. ;-)