Friday, November 30, 2007

Sea Dragons

Different types; subspecies.

This above, is my Favourite. ;-)

These creatures are Wonders of the sea. :)

They are called
Sea Lizards
but are not. They are certainly not Dragons!

They are slugs.

You got that right... and you thought they were nazzzty. NOT .

Electric blue and Silver-grey in coloration.

They ride the waves of the Oceans all over the world, feeding on the very deadly Portuguese Man o' War , gobbles it down whole and takes its most deadly venom as its own.

It is also cannibalistic.

A hermaphrodite, they are both male and female. Cool but not too exciting eh? LOL

Amazing? Yes. Beautiful? ...WoW!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Peace of Resistence

'Comments'... no matter good or bad , appropriate or blaspheme, at the very least, allows one to Reflect and think of possible lessons learnt.

So there's no need for defensiveness and being secretly jaded.

Humility is the sure sign of level-headed maturity.

These are opportunities to grow as a person. To make each day a better you.

Either you self-destruct, some day some how, or allow growth to happen.

So why don't you let it happen???

Free your mind. And the rest will follow.
Don't put on a front. You will be shallow.

Life is too short to be stuck in your own world.

Inputs give you perspective; the options to move in directions which you'd never knew
was there. Yeah?

(Casuarina if you reading this, dont you getit, beb?:p)

Steel .... is not as hard :(

My other Giant 'foot-balley' Hermie, Shen-Steel, is dying. Possibly.

Two or three legs have fallen off. Bad bad signs. B.A.D

This is getting so depressing. What a time for the dead and dying. :-(:::

What da HELL IS HAPPENING ????????!!!!!!!!!!

It was well just yesterday.

The whole Crabitat looks just fine. Why then are my Ruggies dying?

I'd be left with ... two? OMG.

Giant Hermits are so rare. Arrggggh .


Kylie : X-tremely disappointing

Miss Minogue is a survivor. Be it breast cancer, fallen rivals and career foibles among others, she's been to the mountain top and seen it all.

'X' is her tenth studio album,
heralded as her Big Comeback.
It's her third since the late 80's Disco fad, the late 90's dance-fever and her recent Showgirl rah rah.

If you were expecting recent hits like 'Can't Get you Out of my Head' and 'Slow', you'll be sorely disappointed.

Those hits and their respective albums were when she was on a roll and borne during a time still desperate to reestablish herself.

This time, she's taking it easy. Perhaps too easy.

Save for some earlier tracks and the first single '2 Hearts', the rest of the album is filled with forgettable pop ditties with unclear direction. With a ho hum blend of guitar rifts meeting electro synths , whether you're a Disco Diva or a Rock Chick, either way, you'll be non-plussed.

Top notch production not withstanding, it is hardly listenable from start til end. Not a bad album; just not hard-hitting.

Hasn't' she learnt from her Big Mistake of the early 90's? Turning to indie-inflected pop and away from her dance roots is just not a mistake she'd learnt apparently.

If Kylie thinks that her regained position on the pop-pedestal is unshakable, she's quite delusional.

With Whitney's 'Ultimate' return, Celine 'Taking her Chances' and Britney's recent 'Blacking Out the competition' comeback, Kylie is resting on her laurels at a very wrong time.

So buy this album for only 3 reasons:
1)You are a huge Kylie fan
2)You believe in the hype
3)You like the (very) fancy album packaging

So, really, don't expect a hip-grinding, hits-filled album like Britney's.

What should have been a step-foward, is sadly, a step-back for Miss Sexy-Chic Survivor. Pity.

(Side note: Looking at the CD sleeve and hearing the songs, who needs botox and musical talent nowadays? Ingenous photo touch-ups and enhancement and studio wizardry, any one can churn out a hit record apparently. Cher, cancel that plastic surgeon appointment. :OP)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

1st Dec: World Aids Day

The French Ad campaign: ' Even in the country of Love, Lust is prevalent . '- Yours truly.

As the season's celebrations come along, let's not be tempted by Lust. Death is closer than you think.

December 1st is World Aids Day.

The Curse that has had Millions of lives destroyed. Many more to come.

Be sensitive. Be humane. Think not the moment.

Think about Life and how to celebrate it.

Sex is overrated and over blown to perfection in the Media.

Don't propel Death with glamour.

Think of your Loved Ones. Not the Lusted ones.

On one hand help find A Cure.
On the other hand, help not the need to find a Cure.

If even Super Heros are not Immune, what makes U think U R?

U R Not.

Fossil ... extinct: Fighters Fall too

The KING is dead.

Tenacious and bold Fossil, is DEAD.

It really is a season for the dead n dying.

I JUZZZZZ ... DONT Understand why. What's goin on. What the hell is up?

It got stressed apparently, with a dropped leg... then the dreaded slump of death.

It's a Fighter and extremely bold.

Guess, even fighters Fall, too.

Most memorable indeed.

Goodbye Fossil . R.I.P. n Out. :(

Sea Biscuit... to a better place.

A season for the Dead n Dying.

One of my Peppermint and Choc-chip ice-cream Hermies,
Sea Biscuit, has died.


It was fine just yesterday. :-(::::

This morning, it just schlumped.

It's puzzling me... what's wrong with my Crabitat???!!!

All stunned n upset.

Also, latest update:

Fossil, new in it's base-ball shell, is not moving and a leg has dropped.

Is it moulting? It had better be!

Watch this space n pray for good news. No news... IS good news. Shucks !!!

R.I.P, Sea Biscuit.

You were a long survivor.
You will be missed.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Once bitten Twice shy

I HATE Parking Attendants !!!

TWO CONSECUTIVE parking tickets! Can u believe it????!!!

#$&*()&*^&!@% (KNN CCB) ^$%$%@#$^%#$%^&* !!!!

Do they stalk me or what? :-(


I'm LOADED to pay your stinking salaries, A**HOLES.

Monday, November 26, 2007

King Crab

Some thing so Festive n elaborate... fit for a King Hermie. Fossil IS the most tenacious. Buuurrr, is Fossil, King?

How 'bout a glass shell? Edgy but totally defeats the purpose of being a Hermit.:) Fossil is da boldest . Buuurrr, That bold?

My spikey Herbie Ruggie , Fossil, is the MOST fussy crabby, eva !

Even Stars aren't so fickle about their red-carpet outfits.

It's been trying to find a bigger shell for weeks now and it simply can't settle for one.

And I've provided it soOOOoooOOOooo.... many !!!

It would rather go all vulnerable (it means courting death in Hermit crab terms) and naked than to settle for a shell.

Sheeesh. This morning, I JUUUZZ had to isolate it (had I come any later Crush would have ripped it to shreds ... so close!) , in all it's naked glory, and finally, it settled for a Base-ball shell.
(It must be embarassed now. LOL)

Watch this space for another change of outfit.

Fussy Fossil. :O/
Notti Notti.

... Forever Over.

Years of slogging in examinations.
EXAM Blues...
The sleepless nights... the anxiety. The amnesia...

Made worse when you're always in the best classes doing more subjects and modules than anyone else.

Even in University, where people already complain if they are doing 6-7 modules a semester...

I do an average of 14 .


Anyway, with just one more semester to go before I graduate from University, I did my VERY LAST PAPER of my student-life!!! Today. :)

The sheer momentous occasion didn't set in until much later over dinner at Swensens with my class pals.

Lemme say that again...
WOW !!!!


Nu Record : Hitting the Big 4-0

A blog gives One the opportunity to Reflect upon themselves.
This is a RECORD !!!!

I've never blogged more Entries in a month. :-)

This is the 40th entry for this month.


Congratulations, Mr. No-LIFE.
... ...

Issues. Issues... TOO much issues !!!! LMAO.

Colors of Qyn

Visited this site that ask me to color certain items... n based on the results, gauge my personality traits.

Red house: You have a strong personality that likes to take risks if the rewards are worth it. You don't like being told what to do and prefer to take matters into your own hands.

Black shirt: Elegance is essential. It doesn't matter if you are going to the opera or the to the corner shop, you make sure that you look fantastic.

Red rose: You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.

Black Car: In your mind, the image your friends have of you is very important. You like to have the latest brands and are prepared to invest a lot of your money in quality and expensive possessions.

Red Car:You make sure that your possessions will boost your image, no matter whether it's a necessity or not. If one of your friends has it, you must have it as well.

Black HP: Business often takes priority to social occasions. You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life.

Purple teddy bear: You are very strong-willed, even bordering on stubborn. You like to take care of yourself before helping others, although you will never let people down.


ME: A Driven Machine that is only semi-human. :OP

Never a rainbow. Only the hustle and bustle of City Lights.

That's my techni-colored World.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Crimson Dreams

It just has to be()RED.
It's a Business Model. With a cause.

I mean Business.:< RED Velvet.

Lady In Red; a ride into the Phuture

The Power and the Backing.

I want to BE.


It remains Scalett & Vivid ... That day will come.

Crimson Dreams.

Friday, November 23, 2007

All The Best

A letter to my fav. stu:

Dear Y2K,

Congratulations you have done extremely well for your PSLEs.

I am so happy for you and have high hopes that you’ll continue to do well in years to come.

As you move on to secondary school, you’ll begin to realize that the teenage years are the most difficult. Be it personal, studies or relationships with those around you, it will be testing times. But as long as you find your direction and purpose in life, stay focused, be true to yourself and continue to work hard, positive things can happen.

Hopefully this book will help alleviate those stresses. And be sure to call on me if you need help.

All the best in your future endeavors, good luck and always stay happy.


There were challenging times. Times where there seemed a loss in direction; filled with doubts. But there was always strong Belief that all will be well.

And it has. :)

The GRATIFICATION of having touched and changed a Life for the better... the feeling is insurmountable.

That's the Greatest Love of All.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

KaKa is Dead

My spiral-shelled foot-ballie Hermie Ruggie is Dead.

It got weak, it died. Did it drown? Did it get ripped out by Fossil? Or BOTH?

We'll never know. (Latest update: Now I do! Food!)

R.I.P. n Out.

It will be missed. :-( ::::

ZoukOut 2007 ~ Collectibles ^^

MY jury is still OUT if I'm still IN or OUT for ZoukOUT 2007.

(It's Exactly 2 weeks from now and I'm still out-of-shape! :P)

For the first time ever, mega Club, Zouk, responsible for Asia's Biggest Outdoor Rave-dance Beach party , teamed up with surf brand Rip-Curl, to come up with a few yum-worthy (or not?) collectibles for the party-animals in us.

Check them out:

This is Cool. I love black tees.:) I like the colors and graphics too. Even the logo at the back is Fly. And I have a buddy whom I can so picture wearing this.
Rather 'commercial' though. Will I get one? Prolly.

This is actually very Hi-Fashion ... like some expensive designer tee upfront. But the 'poster-print' at the back, is bleah!!!! Goner.

This beach towel is cool. It's anytime better than the stinking ones we all secretly use:p. But why da hell will I need one?

I luv sandals. And these are Fly. But I also have like a gazillion pairs at home. And certainly, a white, and there4 easily-dirtied pair like this one, is just 1 pair too many. Besides, my Dopies look way cooler. :p

Collectibles. Period.

Cuz now, IF I do go, I'd still end up in a pair of singlet for cool comfort. And not to mention, it's easier to grab the attention of the babes. :Op

The bigger question is, while last year I had a slammin' good time, this year however, am I still up to it?

Is Wild partying still a thing for this Depressive Soul???

The Cat & The Chameleon

Top models are Chameleons. They morph and inspire.

Top models are Catty. Strong Personalities that command attention.

"You're either In or Out."

-Heidi Klum, above.

Need to learn FAST.


Why do so many folks live by the the rule " Life is Too short not to enjoy yourself to the fullest?"

But think of Immortality. ^^

Life is too short not to put a stamp on it. To leave a mark; a Legacy.

If you haven't achieved what you set out to achieve , how in the world could one be celebrating???

What's there to celebrate... being a LOSER? :-(

I kinda like the lyrics of the song 'Immortality' by Celine Dion:

" So this is who I am and this is all I know... And I must choose to live for all that I can give... The Spark that makes the Power grow... Cuz , I have found a Dream that must come true. Every ounce of me Must see it through..."

Cut the crappola that 'Life is to be Celebrated."

What's there to celebrate about a Wretched Life? One tat is fruitless and empty and totally lacking in a Bigger Purpose? Such a Life .... has no meaning.

Self-fulfilment is NOT Achievement.

It's the Real World Achievements and the memories others have of you...that transcends Time and Space.

Donch Live to regret.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Whatta Turn Off

Can you relate to having 'friends' that constantly have ego-trips?

These annoying individuals thrive on making others feel 'weak' and 'small' just so as to make themselves appear 'big' and 'better'.

It's like they are so insecure of themselves that they cannot stand tall on their own accord and need to step on other's heads n shoulders just to have a step up.

One just cannot 'hang' around these people. Casual conversations quickly become 'competitions' on their grounds to see if they could prove that they are 'better' .

Good lord ! Leave your competitiveness behind at the work place. For your rivals; eyes. Only.

Stop making others feel like complete idiots simply b'cos you had to affirm yourself.

Weird. Annoying. Too much ego. Too much.

Whatta turn off. (Eyes Roll.)


So much things you want to do. But cannot all immediately.

Dwelling in disappoitment seems unhealthy.

But it also allows you to reflect just how much is not done when all is done.

i-HOPE . Really .

Monday, November 19, 2007


I JUST DO NOT WANT to disappoint those who have put so Much effort, time and belief in me.

I'm WORTH IT. And I must show that I'm not some 'wasted investment'.

Very seldom in our lives do we think about disappointing others. Mostly it's just about ourselves and our goals and aspirations; how to fulfil them.

But this is one of those rare moments that I just hope to succeed ... so as not to fail those others.

That hollow and shallow sense of hopelessness just bores deeper into you.

And you only hope for that ' One Moment in Time' ... that you will Shine.

Lighten Up!! It's Just Perfection.

(Why this pic? I've gotten modelling another job. (Yay?) But.... )

No matter your self-esteem, there are days you (just) wished you were better.

You go all self-loathing, self-judgemental, self-hating.

I try not to. We all try to be... MORE.

But it's ok. Perfection is in your eyes.

That's The Greatest Love Of All.

(Still doesn't explain why I feel like a piece of sh*t.) :Op

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ginity Caps ... to PIMP my ride

What you see here are my fav. combis...

Some of my besties will know that I luv base ball caps.... b'cos I am too LAAAAAZZZZZZYYY to wax my hair 24-7. And, I do still want to have hair when I hit 40.

So, when I just happened to stumble upon this company, Ginity, and saw the caps they make... I was absolutely bowled over. WOOO! :)

In the press release:

" Ginity Trading Corporation is a maker of carbon-fiber consumer products, and its baseball caps “introduce Formula 1 technology into the clothing industry.” Stronger than steel but lighter than aluminum, carbon fiber is used in everything from planes to automobiles—and now headwear, so “customers with sports cars with carbon fiber interiors can now buy a matching carbon baseball cap.” Snazzy!

Yeah, you read right. Carbon/metal fibres are used for its visor. Not only does it look 3-dimensional; the sheen and visual-texture it gives is awe-insipring.

The visors are black if you choose the carbon fibres ; Gold or silver if you want metal-fibres. And then you have a myriad of suede cap-fabric colors to go along with.

You won't see that kid round the block wear quite the same cap as you... (You're classier and you know it) b'cos the catch is this : it's made-to-order only ,which means, you can forgo that expensive hair-do and wear this in stead. :op

So , you can afford the combination that best suits your fashion taste... or.... to match that sports car you just bought. :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Victoria's Secret 2008 FS: Highlights

Last year was SEXY. :p

This year it's SPICE. :)

The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 made it's world premiere on December 16 in LA.

Three things to note:
1)The Mighty Gisele Bunchen is no longer a Angel in the hallowed-lineup. (and VS lost Tyra Banks the previous year; whatta bummer.)

2) The Spice Girls made their world-debut performance for their upcoming world-tour starting early Dec 2007 as well as publicity for their recently launched much-hyped about new album 'Spice Girls: Greatest Hits'.

3) Heidi Klum is FINALLY back from a hella-long pregnancy break. In my opinion, she's lucky VS still believes in her. (I really don't think her body's that hot anymore. Still a mega-uber Supermodel, yes, Sports Illustrated siren? Not anymore. Gimme Tyra, any time !!!!)

Watch out for her freak-duet with her crooner-husband, Seal. Surely it'll rank up there as one of this year's most talked-about performance since Britney's VMA fiasco. (Read: For all the wrong reasons; almost like seeing a J-LO and Marc Anthony duet all over again)

Anyway, these following pictures are the first scoops of this year's extravaganza FS, which once again remind us why the Victoria's Secret FS is the most famous:).

This Year, Czech Supermodel and Angel Karolina Kurkova , wears the Ultimate Angel wings; a 20-foot high marvel.
(Last year's was Nigerian Supermodel Oluchi Onweagba)

Anway, she's quite a VS star now, because last year, Karolina also got to wear the $10 Million Fantasy Angel Bra. Wonder who's the Fantasy Angel this year???

Watch this space for more highlights.

Dancing With Madonna?


Just had a close-up from Britney's now-infamous VMA opening performance where she launched to the world her hot new chart-burning single 'Gimme More'.

Listen to 'BlackOut' and you know MORE is to come. :-)

But before we get to that, is that backup dancer Britney was busy carousing with... Madonna???!

Still trying to up her previous VMA performance where she had her penultimate Lesbian moment with the real Maddie , eh?

Will the real Maddie please stand up? LOL

"Opps ! I Did It AGAIN. "

Star Whores

This is HILARIOUS. Just had to share it here. :op

" Luke, I'm YOOOUUUURRR Mother. "


Father's a maniacal 'Nuke ' em ' Dick-head while mum's a Galactic Street-Walker.

No wonder he's Luke SkyWalker.

Growing up with so much issues... must be hard. LMAO.

Star 'Whores' indeed.
Wink * ;)