Friday, August 17, 2007

So much... So much

Stress leads to depression especially for workaholics like me who live by the rule of thumb of Carpe Diem.

So much to do. Too little time. So much to aspire. So much waiting to be settled and overcomed but the body, mind, soul and schedule just does not allow it.

The lack of sleep,the failing health, the deteriorating spirit....

I admire (but only on the really rare occasion) those who lead a carefree easy-go-lucky thype of life style.

The rat race is some times too much to bare. To much to sacrifice. Too much...too much ... too much.

Some times, it's sanity and faith (and pure ambition and personality) that keeps one going.

Keep telling yourself " Carpe diem ! " , but whatta hell.

So much.... Too Much???


Q said...

Pic taken from:

Fantastic. And thank you artist.

Q said...

I could be writing a whole new entry on 'disorganization' and 'losing control'.

But I'd try to keep these parts less depressing for now.

'Less I explode. Heh.