Saturday, August 25, 2007

Notorious KIM KOW ... be Damned

The feeling of being triumphant is just amazing.

Notorious Kim-Kow (No no ... not the rapper-diva Lil Kim; I luv her!!!), done it again !

She who is incredulously bossy, self-opinionated, self-absorbed, tree-barker b*t*h... tried to pull a fast one yet again.

"Oh, I'm attending this-this-this .... sorry but I think the WHOLE tutorial group cannot have lessons W/O me.... " .

Can F**king you believe it?!?!?!?!

Well, a well-planned rebuttal which I made back to the lecturer, kinda saved every body's a** from that K'niving Kow.

Hear that Kow? Take a freakin cab and come for lesson like EVERYBODY else.

Stoooopid sh*t girl. Nonsense.


Q said...


Thank you artist. You made my day !;o)

Q said...

'Why the hatred?', some might ask... Well, if you'd known Kim-Kow and saw what she'd done in the past and me... THIS is mercy. THIS is justified.
