Gather all and hail my crabitat's latest Hermie ruggie, Qyn .
When Uncle 'Haha' (btw his sales assistant is HAWT!) brought out Qyn, it was crabby-luv at first sight I tell ya..
First of, it was like a perfect representation of both the late G.I and McQueen.
It has the beatiful green Mother Of pearl shell just like whatMcQueen had before it died (now home to Sea Biscuit)and it was huge just like G.I.
Apart from it having the perfect semblence to the late two, it was active and full of vigor.
Expensive, yes, but so far, it proves to be worth it.
In fact, it's so bold and adaptable (something which G.I simply wasn't) , it's begining to show whose the boss on Carapace Island (as I've said, go ahead and laugh). Even the normally Bold Fossil is timid now ; getting me a lil worried... hmmm. (Shudder)
Anyway, I've also added more sand onto the beach so that if a moult was to happen, it'll happen and I'd be less worried that I'd miss it happening and have another death similar to poor McQueen (as I suspect) .
Also, I've rearranged the whole set up. Hopefully they all are adapting well. I sure hope!
Still a work in progress though. (I hope to add a canopy and a backdrop) So it's close to completion.... Yay !
Welcome again, Qyn .
Clap clap clap.
Qyn is BIG and BEAUTIFUL , I tell ya. :-)
Charming. Seriously. While the late G.I was merely big, it was also boring ,Qyn, on the other hand really does grow on you.
And I'm glad to note that despite is gargantuan size, it's getting along just fine with the rest.
So far, it hasn't used it's size to bully the rest. And let's hope it stays that way.
I'm going to start planning for a module project that carries interesting content on the basis of discovery with the aim of language improvement.
Well, something on my Ruggies is surely right up there as a serious candidate...
Watch this space. ^^
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