Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Casualty No.Two .... D'capitation

My poor McQueen. My once robust race car ruggie-herbie.

It showed signs of moulting. But as always, it was mistaken as momentary lethargy.

It's been digging into the corners for awhile now. So I ought to have taken a hint.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

It's still alive and well. But it's been victimised by Fossil; it by far the most notorious herbie on Carapace Island.

Two walking legas have be ripped off and shrewn all over.

I practically fell off my stool while sitting down to observe; when I discovered.

McQueen is now in ICU. And hopefully it will survive!!! Pls, don't konk on me!

Fossil is wild, bold and big. And it has been trying to get to McQueen for awhile. That too, should have been a huge hint.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

The next two I must look out for are KaKa and Scarab. These two have been in their pits in B-Cave for a long while now.

But I might still be wrong.

Hey, I'm still a newbie to this ok??

Lastest update:

R.I.P McQueen .... u will be missed.


Q said...

Herbies that loose limbs like that tend to go into shock.

And that leads to eventual you-know-what.

But I really cross my fingers .

Q said...

Latest update:

The moulting process ( or..gulp! Shock process)is rapid as hell.

Now, its 4 legs that's dropped. It's been only a few hours.


Q said...

In the midst of any confusion, notice:

My crabitat is now known as Carapace Island*.

(Carapace = shell , btw)

*Subject to ridicule and change. :p

Q said...

According to the popular site

It wrote this in the FAQs:

' Crabs that loose more than one leg in a few hours are usually beyond help and you should isolate them from the others and attempt to keep it as comfortable as possible until their death.'

WTF !!!!!

Q said...

R.I.P McQueen.

It was heart wrenching to have to extract you from your shell.

From the remains of the ICU tank, youtried to pull through. With much respect!

I'm not letting you go to waste. I'm feeding your legs to the other Ruggies as calcium supplement.


Q said...

The irony is that now, Sea biscuit is masquerading as the fake McQueen.

It changed into it's original ''Red Race Car #4' shell.

And it too is very hyper.

Let's just hope the similarities and fates end there!


Q said...

Approx 5 days apart and two dead... Yikes!

And this time I wont be paying Uncle Haha a visit.

$-faced bastard...

Besides, I don't want to cheapen the lives of my Ruggies no more. They shouldn't just be replaced when dead.