Monday, June 18, 2007

Learning about Oneself ...through a photoshoot

After a hard day's work in front of the camera, most models just want to look at the final frames and edits.

They usually cringe and dread looking at the multiple frames prior to the editing process. Truth is, the raw photos (pre-selection and pre-edits) are usually un-flattering. In an industry so cut-throat and unforgiving, it is very depressing to see the less than stellar final edits. So suffice to say, most models aren't very interested in mingling with the photographers and seek the other frames out.

I am, however, one of those models who love to interact with the photographer(s) as much as possible. Because I want those extra frames ! Because unlike other models, I am constantly eager to expand my portfolio and and make progress.

However unflattering the pre-selection/edited frames are, I basically brace myself and stare and scrutinise real hard (in horror of course) the bad postures/embarassing facial expressions/oily skin/large pores/poor angles etc. (Yeah Yeah)

And I learn more about myself.

What not to do, what I ought to do more often, what works , what doesn't and those "OMG. Do I look like this, often? Do I do this/that all the time with my eyes/lips etc?!"

It really reveals a lot of our daily body language and facial expressions we carry about and face the world. Others' perceptions and impression of us are based on all that.

And through the critical eye of a photographer, as a model, it really provides me with the valuable opportunity to see myself through the eyes and perception of others.

Any self-respecting photographer will try his darn best to seek out the best angles and postures of his subjects, so if a certain look is captured on film, it is likely, that look works and pleases others. And of course when the unavoidable bad shots come in, you'll know what never to do again.

So, indeed, I stare real hard and learn from that Ugly Duckling in the picture.

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