Today's Father's Day. It also happens to my brother's Birthday.
The former, a day to hail the joys and miracles of being a father. A day to celebrate the hard work, commitment and responsibilties entailed to fatherhood . That once-a-year day that 'dad' prepared to celebrate when he , erm, was HARD 'at work'. Pun fully intended. :op
The latter, my kiddy bro's 20th birthday. Anyone's big B-Day; marking the transition from pubesent teen to young man. EEEK. Also, the day marking the second time my dad was HARD 'at work' 20 years ago. ( I know, shoot me. LOL)
Then, this evening, over our momentous dinnet-cum-celebration (pun intended again haha), my brother asked the question of all questions.
" So, tonight , which is the MORE important day? Father's day or my birthday? "
Emm, quite the classic chicken and egg question isn't it? Does the chicken come first, laying the egg? Or does the egg hatch first to get that hen?
But, in this context. it really is a little simpler.
Father's day. Period.(Or so I thought) If my dad wasn't HARD 'at work', there wouldn't be a birthday for my brother , yeah?
But, then.... father's day is an every-year affair. A person's 20th birthday comes once in a life time .
How about mybro's 21st next year? Does father's day, then, take precedence?
Check back next year. ;-)
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