Saturday, September 29, 2007

Intimate Concerns

Relationships are not hard to forge.

Intimacy is hard to

Does loneliness equate a need for relationships or intimacy?

The jury is out on this one. ^^


Relationships talk about the fulfilment of an emotional need.

While Intimacy talks about the fulfilment of a physical-want.

However, consider this :

Can we have a physical relationship with out the intimate emotional need?

Red Velvet Cake

I have to confess that I have a massive Sweet Tooth. :-)

I'll skip the main course and head straight for dessert if I could. LMAO.

Pastries... cakes... especially chocolate cake .... and this... my all time favourite but highly rare... the RED VELVET CAKE .
Very rich... very heavy... very smooth... and scarlet red on the inside.

Oprah loves them. So does Tyra. And I can see why. :-)

As a model, such indulgence is sinful .... caloric-bomb!!! lol .

PS: For all my friends reading this... take note. HINT HINT.

hee hee ;-p

Betta better

I bought Betas a.k.a the magnificent Siamese Fighting fish for my kids for good fortune and fighting spirit. :-)

Always reared these beauties.... extremely hardy (yeah wat a lazy pet owner, I am), brilliant fins and coloration and possesses a vigour and personality not found in most fishes.

They are also highly intelligent . You know they are watchin your every move... scary. LOL

Of course, mine or the ones I gave are no where as beautiful as these.... these two are show -champions and are worth thousands of dollars.

Highly ornate and high maintenance... quite the contrary to what a fighting fish can take and is often subjected to. Haha.

Will I someday keep something like these? Why not.... :-)

AIG : A**holes In Guises

Anyone reading this and who owns a car or is going to own one... and will hence need motor insurance.... DONCH apply any sh*t from AIG insurance.


All they do is NOT stand by their customers, NOT process your documents on time (or totally lose it!) and just WANT your $$$$.

My premiums for the new year ahead is SKY-HIGH for an accident I didn't even cause .

And all AIG gives shat too , is raising my premium. BIG TIME.

Doing exactly what one SHOULD NOT DO, proves how big-time suxy they are.


Trust me. And you'll have no regrets.
Trully A-I-G : A-**holes I-n G-uises .

Friday, September 28, 2007

More Bilibo

Okay, I getit. I 'm KRAZZZZY over this toy.

A few, for hell sure would be thinking "What's with him , a grown person luving this pre-school er sh*t? "

Let me clarify.

I'm obviously not into playing this ... like duhrrrr?? I've got better toys to play with..... :-p

I'm enthralled by the design... the simplicity in the ingenuity.

Young Swiss Designer Alex Hochstrasser is one hella brilliant.

Barely graduated from Design School then and already he became a multi-award winning and internationally recognised product designer.

His simple strokes fuse with his deep understanding of human -reaction and motor movement, has given him a reputation of using simplicity to define and achieve a deeper purpose.

In this own words:

"Objects reduced to their essence without losing a playful and
sensuous air."

With his scope of insight into realising award-winning designs, he could have easily been scouted by giants out there such as Ikea, Puma or Bang & Olufsen, to rival the likes of legends like Philip Starck.

But, no .

Instead, he'd literally made himself into every kindergarten teacher's hottest hunk-designer . LOL (I Joke...) .

He understands form. And doesn't attempt to fuse form with function like every designer out there. It's not form fusing function but form BECOMING function.

Bilibo and its other sipn-offs... Bilibo Mini, Bilibo Pixel and BaBal...

No definitions on how to play them.... JUST PLAY.

It's just you and the toy and the whole world of possibilities.


Oh. And did I mention that all four mentioned above each won nmerous design awards? But then, you'd probably already guessed it...

In fact, Bilibo literally won TOY OF THE YEAR 2006.

Boob Scare

Today was hilarious with this kid of mine. LMAO. ....

I was introducing this web site that is filled with techni-color marvel. Brilliant animation, cute sounds and cool effects.

Based on alien Telly Tubby-like characters; only cooler.

Anyone from 1 to 100 yrs old (maybe not?) would have fun just clicking away; leaving pleasantly surprised.

So, back to the gist of this , needless to say, I was eager to spread the word around.

This farny kid went on to type "boobbah" dot com.

Guess wat?
And within miliseconds, we were staring into a pair of Silicon Wonders. ....
(No, I won't show tit's here. )

I nearly died.


Thursday, September 27, 2007



Do I LOOK like THIS ?????!!!! N-O

I CAN see my ears for gawd-sakes !!!!!

So piss off f**kers .

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cut a lil slack

Feeling victimised.

Try as I might, I feel 'vultured'.

Given, I can never really 'not' be 'sticking out '. Always , somehow, noticed.

But that also makes me highly vulnerable to critics. And the unfortunate thing is, humans tend never to remember what good one's done . But will remember everything that is not.

It's like

" There's nothing wrong with you. But what is good about you ?" mentality...

Yeah, dunno if I've just been unlucky recently, or overtly sensitive... or both....

But, I've been feeling 'victimized', 'Zero-ed in on' , 'finger -pointed' .

I just cannot stand critisms without basis or contructivism . Really. :-(




We all love cars.:-)

The bigger our coffers, the more extravagant our choices would be.

What wheels are you left to indulge in if you've got $1.5 million dollars to spend after that Mediterranean villa for summer fun, city pent-house loft for convenience and, like, 500 Louie Vuitton cases? And that spanking Ferrari you bought last month was like so 'last season'?

Get your self a Lamborghini or a Bugatti like this one here... and paint it so that you'd be spotted from space.....

Pure Stoooooopidity. Now, if i wanted Shamu , I'd getit.

Did it match the owner's new hair do or what? HOPE NOT. :-P


It's receding. :-( ::::

What happens to Day After Tomorrow...?

What is life like then?


( Fallin into massive depression. Seriously) H-E-L-P

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


"Gimme, gimme. Gimme, gimme. Gimme... More.", she coos.

Don't we all miss Miss Spears?

The come-hither-highness slithers and purrs like only she can in the most.

The lil ' Pop Princess that had sold more albums in the last 8 years than any other artist you can name (Yeah that's 76 million 4 u) She who had more consecutive #1 debut albums than any other artist.

She who grew up way too fast. And way too publicly.

She who grew from a pre-pubescent sexually confused (but rampant all the same) teenager to proud-mama of two faster than you can spell 'Opps'.

Can the new full-figured Britney (no, she is NOT FAT!... only less toned) still hold on to her crown and remain the princess of pop ?

Or has she already lost it to the likes of the (ironically) now-preggy but still roaring Xtina Aguilera, or the bootylicious Miss-oh-so-Perfect Beyonce, or her royal Duchess -with- the -massive- street -credo Fergie or the stylishly edgy Rihanna?


I'm a huge fan of the Motorola RAZR.

Sleek. Sexy. Slim. The phone I mean...

Blade-like .

Which is why, as much as it not being the most user-friendly phone out there, you've got a big fan here. Just like millions out there.

What would make me part with mine?


'Less it's Dolce & Gabanna , swathed in solid gold and studded with hundred of diamonds. :-p

Just sayin. Not dreamin.

Seeing RED

The upheavals of life.... a plenty aren't they?

The bad experiences with people (aka a**-holes in wateva form or fxn) , situation (Lady Luck ain't smiling on you today) and just ... hmmm... woken up on the wrong side of the bed? (everyday?)

So , yeah, it causes you a burst of blood vessels. The wrath cometh. LOL

But I always remember to tell my self one thing; put it simply , being in such a rut, gets one NO WHERE.

Brush it off. Really.
" Oh what the heck."
Tell yourself that.
'Cos only you yourself will suffer.
That said.... I have this #$%^&*(#$)(*!@# lecturer that stepped on my tail AGAIN !!!!
...... @#$%)(* !!! .
Baaaazztard. TURD.
Feels so much better . LMAO.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sexy Back

Any one who's ever owned a dog or two in their houses, will know that the Dawg is a horny animal. :-)

They hump and HUMP and HUMP and HUMP .... the pillows, the sofa set, your leg, the neighbours' bitch.....

U knw what I mean ?

The gyration of the hips, the raised heart beat, the heaving and panting... the saliva and what else unmentionable.

Who needs porn when you can see your furry friend go all sex-loaded with the pillow? It's almost illegally legal.

Well, now we have this. Designer indulgence. Stylish.

The ultimate sex-toy made for the dawg who's lucky enough not to have been neutered just yet, and its owner who prefers to spoil it silly.

You may even be tempted to ride it yourself. :-p

" My hump. My hump. My hump. My hump.... Check it out !"

Oh Fergie...LOL ... now you know why we luv you long time.

This designer is def. bringing SEXY BACK.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Today, I was so screwed and embarrassed by my lecturer and a class-mate-not-well-liked because they thought I was doing a slip shot job.

Can you imagine? It's so not me ... purleeeze.

Not my fault. In fact, there shouldn't ever have had been an issue.

Did I appear defensive? Definitely. And why should not I ?

I meant everything little detail that I put out there.

It was all deliberate.

So nuff with the berating and stigmatizing.

I'm more sophisticated than that for gawd sakes. Not a blunder , at the very least.

Hiaz. Not biatching... just that I feel so slighted and trivialised.

I mean, kudos to their care, concern and point of view. I appreciated that. But 'less they can objectively see it from my perspective before making a judgement, other wise , it's just not valid from where I am coming from.

Hope they are not offended... I'm not snooty .

Next time, I put on a show at the most. Just to make some people happy. :p

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Scarab Goodbye

My Mod-Ruggie , Scarab, was found limp and dead last night.

Mysterious. Tragic. Expensive.

Lost but not forgotten.

Fossil was beside it.... like it did for all the past-away Ruggies.

Hmmm. Ominous presence, it is?

Only the beautiful shell is left . Only. :< ::::


Let's have second of silence as a form of respect to the brave and gone.

" One Thousaaaand" . Ok , DONE.

Thank you for the condolences.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

All's well ends Swell

I always beileve in friendships.

Misunderstandings happen.

But when there is true loyalty, good-will and faith, you gotta believe that things will work out.

All's well... ends Swell. :-)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bilibo : The BEST TOY ever

No, I 'm not talking about toys that vibrate... naughty. :p

I'm talking about a toy, so simple, you'd go " Why didn't I think about it before...?!"

Multi-award winning, designer stuff here I'm talking 'bout.

A design so simple, so inspirational, absolutely an ingenious concept.

And no, Ikea didn't buy the manufacturing rights to it to make it mass-market cheap.

It's a toy for the kid and the child in all of us.

Our kids are our future so let's focus on them here.

The Bilibo looks like an ancient troglodyte; those sea-bottom dwelling giant shell fish not too disimilar to our horse-shoe crabs. Then imagine two put together like they are mating.... LOL ... and wah lah ! You get a smiling alien-head!

It's not a toy that comes with disclaimers and instructions on the 'how to's' and 'how not to's' .

It's a toy for the imagination. A toy for the 'free-and-easy'. A toy to do ANYTHING with.

In the makers own words:

A young swiss designer, Alex Hochstrasser, created Bilibo with the help of expert professors of the world of childhood. The design of Bilibo is the result of research deepened on the behavior of play of the young children. Bilibo does not use any electronics which often involves the child artificial behaviors. Bilibo encourages the child to create, invent and not only to consume. ...

Nuff talk ! Let's Play ! But How???

-You can sit in it like a designer floor sit.

-You can rock yourself silly in it.

-You can sit on it like a fancy stool and use the other as a footie.

-You can hide under it and pretend to be the world's cutest turtle.

-You can scoop water/sand/soil with it

-You can carry or contain your barang barangs

-You can make sand-castle mounds with it

-You can play toy-ship with it (yes, it floats)

-You can slide down the snowy hillside during winter, in it.

-You can huge-scoop-water indulge yourself during hot summer.

-You can spin in it like a manic top.

- You can stand on it to reach for that yummy jar of choc-chip-cookies.

- You can play cave with your toy cars/trains

-You can play hide-and-seek with your pet rabbit/Chu Hua Hua/ Guinea Pig/ Hammie etc.

-You can stack'em like buidling blocks

-You can wear it as a Darth Vader mask.... and go " WHOSE MY FATHER....? " hahahaa


Getit? Your imagination is your own limit.

On top of that, its 100% Recyclable. So its perfect for the environmental-conscious-beings in us.
It's virtually indestructable so no mad kid ( or fat adult) can lay claim to having played

Toy-Titanic at the pool.
It's no wonder it is the hottest selling toy in Japan and Europe right now. And is fast gaining a huge following else where too.
The catch?
Well, of course, when something heralds such designer indulgence , with all the hype and hoopla surrounding it, it doesn't come cheap.
(Thus, will we see fake Bilibos popping up in the market in time to come? shucks)

Be prepared to pay over a 160 bucks for a simple set-pair.

And lemme remind you that the Bilibo ain't some high tech gizmo. It, in fact, looks more like a glamorized plastic container.

Ah, see, another use! A colorful and fun salad bowl when the pals come over for Caesars.

Just don't tell them that Junior, pooped in it a week earlier.... his fanciest potty sit ever.

Woops. :p

Sunday, September 16, 2007

World of their Own

Have you ever had to interact with ( whateva that means to you) someone (or someoneS!) that seem to be constantly in their own world?

These unique individuals seem stuck in a bubble and basically go about life 'interacting' with others w/o actually 'connecting' with what's really goin on....?

Constantly out of sync with happenings and prior plannings...

Constantly difficult to work with because their lives run on a schedule that was planned ... on another planet.

Won't biatch ... but these people are trully in the World of their own.

..But you still wanna strangle all the same. ;-p


How does one figure out Ri-la-shun-sheeps? ;p

How do you know if it'll work out? How do you know you won't come off hurt?

What a dilemma. Such.... sweet sorrows....

Does one R-ship be at the expense of another ?

What is left when one does not work out?

It's not rocket science. It's all about taking the plunge.

So not me . LOL .

Thursday, September 13, 2007

'less than You Are?

Just wrapped up another photoshoot this afternoon.

As much as I am eager with anticipation on how the shots turn out, for the first time, I feel like I've done less than I 'm capable off.

Made worse by the fact that the head stylist on the set doesn't seem to particularly favour me. Or so i feel.

This has never happened before and I am worried.

Well the assistant stylist cum Wardrobe loves me and so does my new booker... but this stylist... hiaz. He's been giving me the cold shoulder , ok , luke warm, treatment, making me feel like 'oh his just there' .

I mean, how has THIS FACE offended him?

In an industry that talks all about ' the face' ,this is so disconcerting.

Am I thinking too much? Or my guts telling me something I ought to be wary of?

Okay, I am not the shy type and not the 'can-be-taken-advantaged-off' type of person.... and also probably way smarter than what a model ought to be, but that doesn't mean I should be of less importance than the others ..... lol

Anyway, its over, and I know my strength comes from within.

I'll wait and see.

+HINT HINT: Miss J , YOU look like THIS !!!! LMAO

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The New Face of Jaguar?

Before die-hard fans launch an all out tirade on why the latest Jaguar XF is yet another stunner destined for greatness; I have to disclaim that this car IS beautiful as with any model that had ever rolled out of Coventry.

But here, as an enthusiast, I cannot help but to be critical as well. Knowing too many cars at one's finger tips really does get one itching with comments, I suppose.

In the Cat's manufacturer's own words :

" Challenging convention and setting its own rules, the new Jaguar XF fuses the style and performance of a sports car with the refinement, space and sophistication of a luxury saloon. This is the beginning of a new era for Jaguar.The new XF: a dramatic expression of a bold new Jaguar design language, with a driving experience that exceeds expectations created by the striking appearance: relaxed and confident, with outstanding ability and control."

As well phrased as any hyped up publicity stunt there is out there. Well, at least the new XF has the fortune of an illustrious heritage to back it up enough for any sucker out there to believe it all to be true.

If this was to come from a lowly company like say, Hyundai (no offence) , this car would have been screamed at " Copy Cat! " rather than 'Cool Cat.." .

Alright, to cut to the chase of this cat, let us get down and critical.

-The rear end is a direct rip off from an Aston Martin Vantage. If Aston was to build a four-door (with rumours that they are), this would have looked like it. It is just silly how identical , right down to the lights and proportion of the entire boot area.

-The front is a Chrysler Sebring; lights, grille,bonnet line , proportions and all.

-The side profile shows up the signature window-line of BMW with the distinctive Hoffmeister kink in the C-pillars.
Also, take note the roof-top antennae-fin, that's another Bavarian trade mark of late.

-Then the overall shape of the car is reminiscent of the Lexus GS, with its classically familiar high rear -low front hunch.

It's all coming together like a massive copyright law suit waiting to happen. Oh wait. What you're sayin is that it hasn't happened yet? LOL

Perhaps, the Coventry Cat makers want to make it obvious who their direct rivals are and is pitching this new model right in their faces.

Perhaps, they are desperate to break into the American market like they are now with the recently new XK coupe.

Most likely. Palpable.

Beautiful but flawed. Something as premium as this brand, should have been way more unique and less derivative.
In fact, this car doesn't look like a Jaguar AT ALL.

What ever happened to the gorgeous tear-drop classic Jaguar grille and double lamp-look they put on the S-Type?

Oh, don't get me wrong. Buy me one anytime if you can afford it. :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To Shine or not to Shine?

That's the million dollar Q !

I'm running short of time. Running short of choices. Need to make my desision soon.

To Shine or not to Shine...?

Think. Deliberate. Is it worth it? Will I put myself in limbo?

Head banger.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bombshell Alert

Hey, this IS a guy's blog (Okay?) so be prepared for the occasional serges in testosterone levels.

Pretty much like one which you're about to experience . LOL LMAO.

>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You know I always liked US rapper and actor Ice-T.

He, the rebel with class, with the pony tail and shades but with the attitude of a some thug you think you can somehow trust.

Yeah, the guy's got style.

But what I am TRULLY envious of, is his trophy wife CoCo Austin.

She very literally completes his rapper-star life style to a T ( Pun intended, easily)

Yeah, platinum curls, perfect nose job, even more perfect boob job, botox-ed everything and probably liposuction too... throw into the mix a perfect tan, gym-toned and the propensity for wearing bikinis 3 sizes too small and heels 6 inches too high.... yeah you get the idea.

The eyes (yeah those are the pair of things you'd be staring at) , boobs, the booty and the legs, any guy's wet dream. :-)....

Girls ,though , will call her a skank, a slut, a gold-digger, a centerfold, a whore ...

True dat. She ain't some high-fashion Supermodel like Miss Banks or Bundchen, of course.

CoCo's a glamour model with the whole package to entice hot blooded men .... a pimp's dream.

So yeah, no offence given and hope none taken but do respect her for who she is.

It's still better to be beautiful, famous and rich , being on the cover of magazines and happily married as the trophy-wife of an influential pop-star, than to be a real skank and whore trawling the streets.

Besides, she's got the drive and ambition to match the goods. And yet grounded enough to appreciate love and relationships while managing her career. Perfect. You can't argue with that.

In the interview that the pic was taken from , she said :

I feel very secure in the fact that my husband is faithful....

Indeed, I don't SEE why he wouldn't. ^^p

**Ok, fine, I'm still trying my darn est to justify myself here; trying none-too-successfully to hide my carnal tendencies (and darkest fantasies?) . Haha. **
It has to be true that no man can turn down a slut, because I love me some Coco.
Just light hearted banter goin on so let's not get too dirrrrrrty here ;-p

All shacked No slack

A balancing act that is impossible for most others but I some how managed~ but only just.

Being an undergraduate with a scholoarship (a.k.a NEVER skip classes or one's a** is busted), a tutor/mentor, a model...and just striving to have a life and some normality thrown in... its hard.

It's draining. It takes a toll on your mood, your body, your psyche, your soul... yeah.

You've got the tedious projects/assignments coming up, the group work with people you dread working with, the bills to pay (why are undergrads almost always in debt?) and the job-requirements at the side.... and then there are the fams and frens that we must still show our luv to.

So, my friends have been ringing me endlessly to club and hang. Even my own brother, can you believe it?

But, I'm going to pull through like I do always.

Drowning yes, not drowned.

Rich Artist Poor Art

Art is suppose to be Valuable to the point of being Priceless.

Good art is subjective yet univesally liked. There is no bad art universally hated.

You just can't put a price on great art.

'less are those al cheapo art-furniture gallery (or Ikea), you can either have it or not, at a limiting price. Nothing is too little. Too much is still too much.

The measurables are just immeasurable.

So, I am particularly affected by this current artist that is spinning multi millions in the bank by glamorising the Capitalist approach to his art work.

Granted, past artistic greats died poor and tragic and when alive, were never appreciated, let alone seeing any possibility of using their strokes and brushes to put food on the table.

It took centuries after their demise , that people started appreciating their finer touches.

So, in a way, Briton Damien Hirst reflects how starving artists have come a long way from those pauper-days of yore.

But, I sense greed and opportunistic tendencies in him. A shameful turn how an artist himself aims for monetary gains over artistic transcendence.

Picasso pieces for instance, are known for certain skewed qualities and personality. So too are Botero's 'swollen-subjects'.

Hirst's works thus far are best described as morbid and grotesque.

Check out Saint Sebastian for instance, a suspended calf , tied to a post and pierced with dozens of arrows in a glass tank. George Michael paid a whopping 3.5million pounds for it.

A split shark fetched 10 million pounds. While 3 crucified sheep were sold for 6 million pounds.

Sliced, diced, chopped, cut and splits.... Hirst's contribution to the Art world?

Or will he be more remembered for the money he has made.

For a field not traditionally tainted by the lure of the fortunes, there by turning into an industry, has Hirst become what the residents of SoHo will now aspire to be?

Already photographers these days take pride and strive in not becoming a National Geographic staple but one for the stars such as the likes of David LaChappelle.

Already, Architects, once the profession of hailing the kings and emperors of the past as gods,besides the priests, are today, a victim of their own success in the commercial world of drawing for the extravagant, thereby creating cold and lavish monsters that say more of ambition than heritage and beliefs.

So will artists sell art not because of the love and spread of their craft but to quantify how 'drama' can take the place of more transient qualities such as artistic purpose of expression and personal style and charm?
Does his record 100 million pounds-selling diamond skull piece 'For the Love of God' make him more 'hip hop bling bling jeweller than a bona fide artist now?

I'm not surprised if the skull next appears in P Diddy's , Timbaland or Jay Z's next music videos. Or if they even bought it already as one of its secret buyers!!

The question remains :Is Hirst doing art for art or art for money and fame?

You decide.

It's just different from a multi-million dollar Victoria's Secret Fantasy Angel bra, you know what I'm sayin?... ^^ (This is Tyra wearing a US$11 million diamond-encrusted Fantasy Bra, btw)

Beauty and the Beast.

You know which is which.