While walking the dog today , as with any living thing it has to poop, and it did.
So as I was bending over, with an inside-out turned plastic bag in hand, bracing myself to squish the offending piece of turd, thinking to myself, why I was sinking so low in the name of a half-obnoxious canine that my family somehow fell in love with, a tangent thought suddenly stroke my mind.
Don't know if it's because of the incecessant Live Earth messages playing on TV every night that was beginning to get to me, or I was just subconsciously hoping that I could get away with not being civic-minded and leave the pile of sh*t where it was bombed and walk away when no one's looking, "Plastic Bags are NON-BIODEGRADABLE."
So, after the usual struggle with my dog to get to the nearest bin to dispose of its divine contribution ( I swear my dog enjoys every moment I was holding on to it; tormented by the sight and smell; thereby the tug-of-war that always ensues), I got thinking, "... but poop isnt'."
If parks are so perturbed with owners 'dirtying the environment' and hence the 'Pick up after your Dog' signs that sprout every where, then isn't it an irony that such a contradiction exists?
Do the authorities and/or the general populace prefer plastic bags (with poop in them no less) lying around, not being able to break down by any natural means and , thus. polluting ("Ewww... what's INSIDE that bag that WON'T GO AWAY?!") , or a small pile of compost matter that'll disappear into the soil within a day or two?
Franky, I'd prefer the latter any time.
Humus is fertilizer that is good for plants. Can't say the same for disposed plastic bags.
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