Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cruz a Sunday

The distressed-yet-dapper look of Sanuks and the comfort and durability of Chrocs.

Two of my favourite lazy-Sunday footwear brands.

Perfect combo.

I want one !!!

Which do you think is nice? Inputs folks !!!!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Right of Mind!

Thursday August 13th:

Celebrate your right to be left-handed.

It has been said that left handed people are among the most intelligent.

There have been plenty of famous left handers in our day. Among those are past presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. Another interesting note is that both John McCain and Barrack Obama are left handed.

You may be interested to know that Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Di Vinci, and Michelangelo were also left handed.


Psychological Characteristics of Left-handed People

Leadership. About 66% of American presidents in the last 30 years were left-handed men. Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Fold were all left-handed presidents. Barack Obama and John McCain are both left-handed.

•Quick thinkers. Studies have shown that lefties are “exceptional.” Australian research shows that left-handed people think more quickly when playing computer games or sports. Left-handed people also tend to earn more money.

They are more creative , multi-tasking, better able to see in 3D.

Left-handed persons use visual stimulus to process information. Research reveals that people who are left-handed do not use the sequential processing style like their right-handed colleagues, to disseminate information. Instead they are good at applying themselves to multiple tasks with the help of the synthesis method of breaking down information and finding a solution.

They are high-achievers and also earn more money.

•Sexuality. Research from Canada reveals this interesting quality of left-handed people: they’re more likely to be homosexual.
Mixed-handed people are more likely to alter their beliefs as they get new information, making them better able to see both sides of the story.

Personality Traits of Lefties

•Independence: Some experts believe left-handed people are more independent because they’ve had to get along in a world that’s not made for them. Dr Peters says that lefties are “slightly more resistant to social pressures, to have more of an independent streak.”
Adaptability: Canadian research shows that left-handed people are more adaptable than right-handed people. That is, a lefty can use her right hand to do tasks much easier than a righty can use his hand. Left-handed people seem to be able to switch over more easily.

Left-handers adjust more readily to seeing underwater.


Left -handedness are advantageous and lefties particularly excel in Tennis , baseball, swimming and fencing

Physical traits:

Left-Handed people are generally regarded better looking.

Generally, Southpaws are thought to be more flexible, highly intelligent, and more resilient than right-handed people.