Loneliness. It leaves one helpless. It leaves one dying from the inside.
You long for that special someone.
Yet, when one is actually in a relationship, there's still the heart ache.
What's it all about?
Hollow existance. Emptiness
Try Hard or Die Trying.
Supermodel Ruslana Korshunova.
She worked her way to the top and it's dizzying to stay up there.
That's why she fell off to her death.
Ok, more like Clark Kent - Superman transition.
Had loads of fun doing a semi-striptease in front of the crowd .
Now everyone calls me by that name. Quite a rep builder huh?
Tyra, Tyra, like a whirl wind, nothing can stop her . ^^
And we thought the mag was boring stuff.
That's A Media Mogul for you .
One whole month of COMPLETE Disconnection .
We go about our daily lives trying our darnest to form the right image of ourselves in front of others.
But truth be told, people's perception of ourselves do matter.